Thread: New Management
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Old 02-10-2010, 02:45 AM
dubby230 dubby230 is offline
Ex. N-Pulse Manager
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Location: Georgia
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Exclamation New Management

Hey everyone,

Unfortunately I have had to resign as Manager of N-Pulse. My grades in college have slipped a little; therefore, the time I had dedicated to Graal must now be dedicated toward my schoolwork. As my replacement, I have appointed SlikRick as Manager. I am confident in his abilities to continue moving N-Pulse and N-Pulse Rebirth forward. He was always a very loyal and dedicated staff member so he deserves this position.

SlikRick has asked me to stay on the staff team as Admin, which I have agreed to. This will allow me to give SlikRick advice during his new management as well as keep up with N-Pulse as a whole. The only downside is that, as stated before, my time for Graal has been cut short so I will not be as active as I was.

Though my time as Manager on N-Pulse was short (2 months), it was fun while it lasted despite any drama that occurred from it. I greatly appreciate the staff members and players that stuck by N-Pulse and still are. Without you I do not believe I would have been able to even make it through the 2 months of Management. Thank you and congratulations SlikRick.

P.S. Abjorn has also been promoted to a Developer Admin for N-Pulse; therefore, congratulations to him too.
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