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Old 12-08-2009, 11:36 PM
seanthien seanthien is offline
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Originally Posted by scriptless View Post
Who is to say the updates Tig has been doing, such as change in plat weight, change in diamond price and the many other things that Tig has worked on are not Q4 updates? Not saying they are but the "dev" team or Tig as I like to call it works hard for you guys. Appreciate the updates he does bring and don't worry about things that have not been done yet.
I don't think anyone said we don't appreciate Tig. He more so or less put this on himself by setting his standards at a 4 month period update. Not to say it's entirely his fault, but as far as I'm concerned since he refuses to speak, nothing is happening. No need for anyone or him to get angry if we, the players, have no idea what is going on when there are no major updates happening when they should be.

The updates you mentioned, they are fairly minor. They're not something to honestly count as these quarterly updates that are supposed to be updates packed into 1 release.

I agree with the new kid. Tig works hard, he is hardly some lazy bum. But there is only so much he can do really.
That may be true and if it is, Tig should speak up and say so.
Originally Posted by Darkdemon452 View Post
wow I'm by Sean and Tench...How unlucky can you get?
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