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Old 08-24-2009, 12:03 AM
SwimChao SwimChao is offline
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SwimChao is just really niceSwimChao is just really nice
Originally Posted by Hiro View Post
you're warped perception of your community's suggestions and complaints show your obvious uncaring about them, and unwillingness to take the time to listen to what they are actually saying. if you don't have the knowledge to separate the trolls from the actual suggestions, to which at this point might be so unmotivated as to type "WHY YOU DO THIS" since they doubt that anything will come from it anyways, means that you probably aren't managing as well as you could be. mystic has been (or still is) a developer, and when you see people just randomly warping about or generally seemingly like staff are just fooling around, it's easy to tell since he's experienced it before, as have i in my experiences with development. you've been working on these "important projects" for how many weeks now? and have been ignoring suggestions of players for how long now? and you've given us what information on these projects so we have some rational for the time spent on said projects instead of on our suggestions?

it's not good enough to tell us that we don't know what we're talking about, or that you are understaffed, or that the suggestions given are all stupid. all it suggests is that you don't care, and that nothing will come of writing good suggestions
Now you're just taking what I said from one point in the ball park, and throwing it to the completely opposite corner.

I have no problem breaking this down into the smallest piece I can think of taking it right now, to further explain to you how the forums are handled on Unholy Nation (no matter how off topic that it may now be):

When it comes to the UN Suggestions category of the forums, we let players give their own personal suggestions to better the server. Not once did I say, or even hint that we organize the significant from insignificant posts the way you're presenting. We read through the posts, obviously, and if it's a suggestion we're sure we can have done (or do right away) that has the three things I brought up in my earlier post (Time, thought and logic), we'll reply to it accordingly. I don't know how often you use the forums on the server, but if you did you'd realize that there are a lot of threads that are self answered by the people who post in them, and outrageous ones a like. While there are a lot of good ones, there are an equal amount of bad ones (most of which are deleted before they get any decent time to get replied to).

On top of that, I'm not sure how fair it is for you to throw this all on me like I have time to juggle my personal life, organize the server/it's development, and reply to every single suggestion thread that ever goes through the forums. There's a lot more to my volunteered position on this server than sitting and clicking refresh on the forums, so that I can reply with the proper answer to it right away. On top of that, I usually run anything significant by some of the Developers (IE. Joe, _Zelph) and higher/older staff within the teams for their opinions on the things as well. If we just made a bucket load of spontaneous suggestions based on one player's want, there would be so much on this server with no primary role for anyone other than the person who suggested it. Does that make sense?

Just to give you a ball park idea about how uncaring I am about UN's community... I probably get more PMs in a couple hours than most players get in an entire week of playing the server. There was a point in time (prior to the PM add-on you'll see if you try to message me now) that PMs for me was like sitting, and responding detailed to every single mass message that goes out on the server. Because unlike most past staff members, I try to take the time to respond to all the whys and hows of the PMs I receive- from everybody that I get them from. A few PMs sometimes slip under the radar, but mostly it's because I'm busy responding to the other PMs, and the player logs out.

I really don't know what else to say to your post from there. You're free to form an opinion about it, present it, and support it as much as you want. If you genuinely have a problem with me, though, you'd be best to PM me so we can resolve it. If that won't work for you, I hate to put more on their table, but there's always the Support Center where you're free to submit a ticket about staff corruption. Because in reality, what you described is nothing but staff corruption and should be de-rooted from a server as quickly as possible.

Nothing I'm saying am I trying to say in a hostile manner, or pompously. I'm just trying to break it down so you understand me a little better . I will not respond to this topic any further unless it pertains to the Capture The Flag maps.
People wake up hatin' and they ain't even brushed they teeth yet.
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