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Old 07-03-2009, 07:24 AM
Exhausted Exhausted is offline
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Originally Posted by Hiro View Post
you are living in a fantasy world. let me enlighten you on a few things:

1) removing a playerworld and ten having another playerworld take over their "good" content is still basically stealing. i doubt any of the current managers would like to have all of their content moved onto a server they probably don't like or even play
all content uploaded is technically the property of Graalonline. if stefan/unix agree with my idea they can do whatever they please.

2) if you deleted npulse and other playerworlds, it wouldn't add any number of players to another server. those players would just quit because now their home server is gone. they play those servers for a reason
losing npulse's/classic's/other useless server's players isn't really that big of a lost.. the reward would outweigh the risk in this situation.. how can you prove they'd quit anyway?

LOL you call my ideas ****ty but here you are comparing graal servers to irl businesses. moving along..

i mean seriously, think before you write something as ignorant as that down and post it. it's plain stupid for my examples, and for graal
your examples are irrelevant to anything

Originally Posted by Nataxo View Post
I dont support this idea.

Has to be a better solution.
lol aren't you a trial?

Edit: btw Hiro, i rate your trolling a 1.4/10
Originally Posted by grawlgamer View Post
And one thing that really pissed me off, I bought Assassin's Creed a week before they halved the price.
Originally Posted by Nataxo View Post
you're so evil, graal doesnt need persons like you, you should get global ban