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Old 04-13-2008, 05:37 PM
DazJenova DazJenova is offline
Ex Manager of Era
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Location: Newcastle, England
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And then Vulcan removed me because he had a personal problem agaisnt me so it didn't help at all but ah well i would just like to stop getting blamed for everything because i didn't cause all era's problems i tryed fixing them. I wasen't given a chance to do so but what really pisses me off Paul is getting blamed for everything and i did do things for the server i wasen't just a lazy crap i helped with levels/scripts and other ideas aswell and monitoring and hiring new staff which you know yourself is hard because it's hard to find the right staff to trust. I'm not here to argue i'm almost unbanned in 1hour and i'll just play the server how it is and hope you do something about it's progress then if you don't Paul then i know PWA will deal with you it has nothing to do with me i'm sorry but tell Frankie, Icarus all that lot to stop blaming every **** on me because i'm sick of it and saying "You failed daz" i didn't i wasen't given a chance fair enough Vulcan's ego got in the way.

I've been bitter and angry because when ever something went wrong i got the blame and still getting the blame off you and others saying "That's daz's fault" etc etc it's not nice at all so just stop it and i won't even comment on the server and show my opinion i'de rather want you to do something about it.

Even Paul you said to Frankie/Icarus you made gang spar when i was the one who did the level/scripts and set it all up for release and it became very popular you even hate people taking others work so why do it to me to insult me more and try look like i did nothing for the server. I could of just sat there and monitored staff and discussed new ideas like a normal manager but i also helped develop because i wanted to help the server and contribute to it which i did for 4years.