Thread: Graal v5?
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Old 07-08-2007, 10:05 AM
jetboom jetboom is offline
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Originally Posted by Tigairius View Post
Of course Graal development is slow, who are we waiting on? TWO PEOPLE: Stefan and Unixmad. You can't honestly expect them to create some big patch for Bill Gate's sad excuse of an operating system over night. Some, small features, can take hours to code and get right. Who is sitting there coding? Stefan, and maybe a couple other people, if that. Give them a break, so what? So Unixmad didn't release information on Graal v5 today, boohoo, you all complain about how much Graal sucks but you're all sitting around orgasming about the new Graalv5 information that is supposed to be released.
Yea I shouldn't want to use what I payed for your right I should just ask for my money back. Thanks for putting it in perspective. Also Vista isn't that bad, sure its not great but its just like everything else launched, although Vista is backed by good developers and Graal has only one I guess its to be expected Microsoft is fixing the issues and Graal just ignores them. By issues I mean hacking, their systems has been hacked, their passwords have been leaked. The game and their network is insecure I feel really safe giving them money, and to top it off they don't even support the product they sell. I love you Tig, but look at the facts.