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Old 06-29-2007, 06:42 AM
Infernix Infernix is offline
Inferno (Level Designer)
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Originally Posted by Alex-Stravier View Post
Then why are you still playing Graal? You're a liar.

I'll insult levels that suck and praise levels that are good. Show me that you can do better. Right now, I have no proof of any "good levels" from you.

You're telling us to grow up? You're the one who attacked the server here in the first place, and you're telling us to grow up? We're defending ourselves from you, and defending ourselves makes us more "grown up" than you, who just slings random insults without knowing what's going on. You knew what was going on at one point in time, but not anymore. You think that you do, but you don't. Don't sling out random crap.
o god just stop, taimat approves of my levels i approve of his so how about u keep your kid games to yourself. Your just blabbing, I get the same crap from anyone I say something negative about. And btw I said something negative about your server that related to the past and no the present. And if you cant admit Delteria has gone through some rough times, then you have no respect for something you care so much about. Their is just no reason for a bunch of dumb internet forums wars. I think right now Ima end this here and leave it to the kids.
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