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Old 06-29-2007, 02:15 AM
Infernix Infernix is offline
Inferno (Level Designer)
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Originally Posted by Alex-Stravier View Post
I'm not sure how I should reply to this comment. The easiest way would be "you're an idiot," but I want to be more precise. Then again, it doesn't really matter because it's a good enough reply to suit you, but it seems that you're trying to imply that all of Tiamat's levels that aren't castle levels suck. If Tiamat's levels that aren't castle levels suck, what's that say about you? Your levels aren't even comparable to Tiamat's; he makes excellent levels, and he can make a lot of them in a small amount of time.

So that must be why you got into arguments daily with all the staff members, right? And that must also be why all the staff members who wouldn't work together would always jump on your case as a group, too, right? If you actually read this far into my post, you might realize that doesn't make a whole lot of sense!

Because it's inconceivable that someone would jump on you when you say something wrong? Do you actually think about things before you click the "submit reply" button?

olollollol colorguard man you're so funny! Grow up, idiot.
Lol I got into fights with your staff because I was getting pissed that no one was working. Getting into a fight with the staff team you work with does no justify a reason for no doing work. If you've ever held a job Id guess you'd know that.

o and Please don't even talk about tiamat, overall hes completely better than you. At least I have some respect for the man. His castle levels are awesome but me and him both have our pros and cons. O and the reason you replyiing to me is because I didn't say something completely positive towards your online home rofl and your mate tort. So how about you grow up. The moment I ever post a replay to tort I knew one of his "friends" would reply.
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