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MysticX2X 07-26-2009 07:25 AM

New Jailing system please
One that displays the reason you were jailed instead of trying to figure out which gp jailed you and why.

Also one that isn't buggy as crap to tack on hours because it thinks you were trying to escape (how :confused:).

Also a level that isn't drastically red colored. I guess that's part of the punishment -- making your eyes hurt.

Luda 07-26-2009 07:30 AM

I agree and bring back offline jail time please
I don't want to be forced to play a game which I'm not even playing, inb4 "that's why you are jailed"

Elizabeth 07-26-2009 07:40 AM

yeah, i'm totally with luda. especially with the whole "You have been disconnected because you didn't move."

MysticX2X 07-26-2009 08:01 AM

I never liked the whole waiting your jail out thing ever since it was implemented 3 years ago. Apparently it's to make you learn your lesson, but with the way GP's jail now, it actually seems a bit ridiculous lol. It's bad enough being jailed.

Here I am sitting in a cell with 5 different people around me. I guess that could ring a bell about how ridiculous the gp's are becoming ever since Vicious' "cracking down on mass messages" speech.

Also it's not because I'm jailed. The first two suggestions are what is definitely needed. The last suggestion is sort of for less torture lol.

Catiroth11 07-26-2009 08:54 AM


Originally Posted by MysticX2X (Post 1510444)
Here I am sitting in a cell with 5 different people around me. I guess that could ring a bell about how ridiculous the gp's are becoming ever since Vicious' "cracking down on mass messages" speech.

Prado got warned for calling me fatiroth ;)

LordSquirt 07-26-2009 09:16 AM


Originally Posted by Catiroth11 (Post 1510452)
Prado got warned for calling me fatiroth ;)

lol I was there

Luda 07-26-2009 06:25 PM


Originally Posted by Catiroth11 (Post 1510452)
Prado got warned for calling me fatiroth ;)

Seems like the work of Shimmy.

Hiro 07-26-2009 06:38 PM

i never understood the point of jailing systems. if you really want to make people learn a lesson, then you should only give out bans. banning a person is more effective than forcing a person to stay online for hours at a time. it doesn't make people learn about their lessons, it just angers them and either makes them quit, or makes them do more stupid things to get back at the GPs for being jailed for 5 hours because you called someone stupid. add in a limit to the amount of times you can be banned before earning yourself a permaban, and players will think twice before doing something stupid. GPs always try to make their job seem more important than it really is, when really their job could be handled by any other team already on the server

UN GPs are also useless, both on the job and in hiring. the team is always doing something other than their job, making mass messages for no reason, abusing some special right to play around with their friends. i remember apply for the job when they were hiring three open positions, and after i didn't get hired i asked them how i could improve my application. the answer was that they hadn't even read my application, and the chief at the time regrettably said i really should have been hired over the current ones. well, isn't that great! the next time i applied, they were secretly monitoring me while i was screwing around with zideruic and others, which means i was swearing and being foolish, making weird jokes and making fun of other people. they didn't hire me because i use a lot of swear words, and felt that i couldn't act professionally towards players. except that all the GPs swear, even when they are on tag (this will be debated and never, ever admitted by any of UN staff), and all the GPs screw around on graal making fools of other players and themselves. it's ridiculous how unorganized and superficial the GPs are on UN. they don't even have to deal with hackers and cheaters most of the time anymore, so now they crack down on mass messages?

Heroin 07-27-2009 12:04 AM

only thing i like about the current jail stuff is the fishbowls.. sometimes i have to urge to get jailed to feed them and stuff.
anyways, the jail boot is really annoying.. its not the idle boot that comes up all 30 minutes, it disconnects you randomly after a few minutes without moving, even if you are not jailed but hang out in the level. =/

EclipsedAngel 07-27-2009 05:11 AM


Originally Posted by Luda (Post 1510576)
Seems like the work of Shimmy.

jorollychu 07-27-2009 05:19 AM

shimmy it's ****ing stupid that you're a GP and whenever you're on MSN you harass kevin and make photoshops of him what a ****ing **** i cant believe that bull**** man.

Heroin 07-27-2009 05:26 AM


Originally Posted by jorollychu (Post 1510718)
shimmy it's ****ing stupid that you're a GP and whenever you're on MSN you harass kevin and make photoshops of him what a ****ing **** i cant believe that bull**** man.

ya hes a pretty succesfull troll outside of graal ^^
but for some reason he thinks writing down his graal jobs in his job applications will HALP him later on in life IDK MAN

DustyPorViva 07-27-2009 05:28 AM

Making you wait out your jail time by spending it online really only encourages AFKing.

jorollychu 07-27-2009 05:35 AM

i just hack out of jail lol

Heroin 07-27-2009 05:49 AM


Originally Posted by jorollychu (Post 1510738)
i just hack out of jail lol

i wish u and me could end up in the same jail cell. id drop the soap and then id think of your cute sister while U KNOW LELE :blush:

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