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Spikedude 12-02-2008 02:38 AM

Some opinions on the guns system
These are player opinions on the guns system. I've included every PM I got that related to my mass of "PM me your thoughts on the guns system." No bias whatsoever.

DT (Mon Dec 01 19:37:34 2008):
I think it sucks ****
I might quit
Its that bad.

Matt *Private* (Black Holst) (Mon Dec 01 19:37:47 2008):
i think it is a good idea
altho there needs to be more guns

Dogbert *Private* (Black Holst) (Mon Dec 01 19:37:25 2008):
its ****ing lame

Jesus -BH Helper- -Helper Alliance- (Mon Dec 01 19:37:27 2008):
its kool

selling teravolt (Mon Dec 01 19:38:32 2008):
ITS ****ING ***!

Crackwizar *Cookie* (PyroTech) (Mon Dec 01 19:37:42 2008):
What gun system :o

*Oni (Mon Dec 01 19:38:15 2008):
i see his plans
but like
do it all at once, wtf at this slow process sht
he jsut lost so many people alot of their hard earned money

and why make guns weaker if not taking speed away?
this only benefits ppl with high speed lvls

john rachels bf (Mon Dec 01 19:40:21 2008):
I think they shoulb be lower in prices and faster shooting

Crackwizar *Cookie* (PyroTech) (Mon Dec 01 19:40:43 2008):
i dont mind really ;o

James Dunlop (Party Dunlop Family) (Mon Dec 01 19:38:02 2008):
It's fine, but now what's the difference between guns -_-

†Råzðr† (Mon Dec 01 19:40:05 2008):
can u buff the ak47 plx?

Jessica, Reçruít of (Los Carteles) (Mon Dec 01 19:41:53 2008):
I think its a dumb idea i like the way the guns were...
How much does smgPK cost?

el' Santo's (Mon Dec 01 19:38:16 2008):
the guns were perfect yesterday afternoon, today there weak.

SM *Accomplice* (Blazian Bandits) (Mon Dec 01 19:39:05 2008):
i hate the new guns hes ****ed up the prices and now everyones getting ripped off with good guns

NC (Mon Dec 01 19:38:25 2008):
I like the new thing. I prefer equality over the whole super gun thing. Besides, hopefully this will enforce more commerce due to the fact there aren't guns 100x better than others.

Pending, unknown (Architects LS) (Mon Dec 01 19:39:11 2008):
If it's done on all the uncommon guns then it should be fine.

Santa Is Buying A K180! (Mon Dec 01 19:38:06 2008):
i'd like to keep it like this so those other ****tards dosnt lame us

§áßø†áGè *Captain* (Black Holst) (Mon Dec 01 19:43:03 2008):
did u guys unnerf everything?

..Mike.. (Mon Dec 01 19:43:45 2008):
to be honest ..hes mucked up alot of good guns...

all in all: 7 bad, 6 good, lots of indifference
Make what you will out of that..

Personally: I think we should have held off on changing guns until after the reset, when people who bought guns for a certain reason will no longer lose that reason.

salesman 12-02-2008 02:56 AM

Looks like the people who were against it only felt that way because they think they're losing out on money.

DarkRenji 12-02-2008 02:58 AM


Originally Posted by salesman (Post 1446153)
Looks like the people who were against it only felt that way because they think they're losing out on money.

And they should be pissed if they got screwed, They saved up however much money, got the gun of there dreams... then it get screwed?

P.S what happened to guns lol?

P.S.S I thought you were not allowed to have 2 accounts on these forums

salesman 12-02-2008 03:03 AM

They are not getting screwed because all guns were changed, not just theirs. It's not that hard to understand. The guns that were previously better than all the rest are STILL BETTER...all guns in general are just less lame.

Spikedude 12-02-2008 03:06 AM


Originally Posted by salesman (Post 1446153)
Looks like the people who were against it only felt that way because they think they're losing out on money.

Very few of the people mentioned their gun's price, I think the main complaint is the fact that they bought the gun under the conditions in which they were obtained, but now those conditions are different. They have a right to be angry, that's like buying an expensive XM radio and then them saying "by the way, we're switching to shortwave with advertisements now." Or buying an expensive phone and the company saying "we've decided to make this phone incompatable with text messaging."

salesman 12-02-2008 03:12 AM


Originally Posted by Spikedude (Post 1446164)
Very few of the people mentioned their gun's price, I think the main complaint is the fact that they bought the gun under the conditions in which they were obtained, but now those conditions are different. They have a right to be angry, that's like buying an expensive XM radio and then them saying "by the way, we're switching to shortwave with advertisements now." Or buying an expensive phone and the company saying "we've decided to make this phone incompatable with text messaging."

Except this time it's "by the way, we're trying to improve gameplay."

Before the changes, fighting required zero skill whatsoever, and if you didn't have a good gun, you rarely stood a chance. It's not right that some guns could create a wall of bullets that was impossible to dodge...atleast now players who cannot afford the good guns are able to stand up to those who can.

Spikedude 12-02-2008 03:15 AM

I just personally think it was a bad idea to change it before a reset. Everyone's entitled to their opinions, I don't have a strong one on this subject, I even think that the gun changes would have been a great idea after the reset.

salesman 12-02-2008 03:16 AM

Doing it before the reset allows us to test out how well it works. If it fails, atleast it won't cause any permanent damage, ya know?

Spikedude 12-02-2008 03:24 AM

The permanent damage, though I know you will debate this with me, is the fact that within the possible months between now and the reset, the fed up players will quit, and will most likely never have an incentive to come back. Both sides are slippery slopes to walk on, but buffing guns to even them out after the reset would probably cause less of a problem than nerfing guns before, in my opinion. Like I said though, it's all personal opinion, I'm not disagreeing with your logic.

Spikedude 12-02-2008 03:32 AM

Wasser. (Mon Dec 01 20:45:29 2008):
Okay here's my take.

I love how the SPAS shotgun does 25 damage like the PBP, that's totally fair.

And that AP0 is great too. I can actually stand less of a chance against it. The same buff as the SPAS essentially.

And they should also have individual speed boosts for each gun. The more damage, the faster the speed.

salesman 12-02-2008 03:52 AM


Originally Posted by Spikedude (Post 1446174)
Wasser. (Mon Dec 01 20:45:29 2008):
Okay here's my take.

I love how the SPAS shotgun does 25 damage like the PBP, that's totally fair.

And that AP0 is great too. I can actually stand less of a chance against it. The same buff as the SPAS essentially.

And they should also have individual speed boosts for each gun. The more damage, the faster the speed.

The spaz was nerfed extremely freeze/sleep-wise, but was also given 25 dmg...there's only one so it's not a big deal imo.

This is the only difference in the AP0:
before: this.player_freezefire = {0.16,0.3}; //Freeze/Sleep
after: this.player_freezefire = {0.15,0.3}; //Freeze/Sleep


DKH89 12-02-2008 08:06 AM

Personally, I think people just need to stop crying about it.

All Meph has done has made gun less lame, basically making era a game made for having skills now.

People are acting like they were singled out in this, but it wasn't just your gun that was changed.

Also the prices of your guns shouldn't go down because all guns were changed not just that one, so it keeps its value. Not like any of you really should be charging over 5 million for any gun nyway.

Well, mephs doing a great job.

keep it up

Nataxo 12-02-2008 02:26 PM

LOL at cracks first pm xD

Personally I don't care as long as you don't touch AK47 :)

Freudian_slip 12-05-2008 08:33 AM

I agree that the speed levels need changed to effectively make this change complete, but other than that it was a needed change. I find it hilarous how people say things like "Now guns are all the same" when before they were all just fast with low freeze time. Anyway, it was neccesay to do this before the reset so all the guns could be properly balanced before it happens. What would you rather happen, guns being nerf/buffed after the reset when money will actually matter or before when it's all going away anyway? Seriously, think about the logic behind what some of you are saying.

After a while they'll forget guns were ever as lame as they were anyway. People already seem to forgot how nicely balanced they were. When we showed people the old stats of weapons they were so surprised by all the freeze that we actually decided to keep the freeze a little less jsut so people wouldn't freak out.

Anywho, quit your complaining and just wait for the reset.

-Geovanni Cassini

BlueMelon 12-05-2008 09:52 PM

I actually think Nerfing them is a bad idea.. Say your in a spar.. and you shoot the gun and your frozen there.. Wtf? That makes no sense. Why not just make players FASTER so that they can dodge bullets, And make it so EVERYONE has the same speed? Then it would be better. Or add something like a speed boost.(Sayd in previous Threads). Nerfing guns is a bad idea. I mean its no fun..

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