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DazJenova 04-06-2008 07:36 PM

DazJenova's update on how the server is
Since this other thread got locked on the unoffical forums, with Demisis editting my posts making me look like an idiot i'll post it on here for you to decide. Look at these facts and as a players view tell me how that these arn't so very true?

Fact is:

1) Server has been the same as 6months ago with slight upgrades as to 100hp which is totally useless if your going to raise the dmg on guns up.
2) Ecomony is far more worse than what it used to be.
3) TSA won't get rid of his inactive staff because he can't be bothered to find suitable replacements which clearly is his job to do.
4) This is not about me or my management because i even tryed to fix the server but it was allready in a mess to begin with and wasen't given the chance to do so, this is about the server and the way staff treat it in general now.
5) Once staff get powers they get very lazy and don't tend to work or do anything for the server anymore because they don't get paid to work for developing and spending their time and dedication.
6) If staff feel that way then leave the server and give people who acually do have the skill and the desire to develop this server for the better.
7) Playercount is acually lower than what it used to be or simply arround the same now that KOTH or Gangwars is being hosted again which myself created gangwars which got alot of population for my era.

So look at the facts and tell me as a player why i shoudn't complain about the status of the server now?

Spikedude 04-06-2008 08:05 PM

It is true that there haven't been an abundance of updates on era. In fact, all the updates that were done for the past year are about to be undone after the reset because they aren't bringing back any of the new weapons and stuff we made before.

DazJenova 04-06-2008 08:06 PM


Crow 04-06-2008 10:10 PM


Originally Posted by DazJenova (Post 1384534)
1) Server has been the same as 6months ago with slight upgrades as to 100hp which is totally useless if your going to raise the dmg on guns up.

100hp thing adds way more variety to damage. Some things have been changed already, the fully balanced weapons are not yet available though.


2) Ecomony is far more worse than what it used to be.
You cant just fix the economy out of nowhere.


3) TSA won't get rid of his inactive staff because he can't be bothered to find suitable replacements which clearly is his job to do.
TSA got rid of inactive staff just a week or two ago.


4) This is not about me or my management because i even tryed to fix the server but it was allready in a mess to begin with and wasen't given the chance to do so, this is about the server and the way staff treat it in general now.
Huh? I would've put that to the bottom of your post or something..


5) Once staff get powers they get very lazy and don't tend to work or do anything for the server anymore because they don't get paid to work for developing and spending their time and dedication.
I cant really comment that. Only out of my own point of view (sounds awkward, possibly wrong, but I hope you get what I mean).
Money is not a motivation for me. I script because its fun and I also learn alot. Problem is that I didnt have lots of time for Graal the last few weeks (mostly because of school).


6) If staff feel that way then leave the server and give people who acually do have the skill and the desire to develop this server for the better.
See above, I guess.


7) Playercount is acually lower than what it used to be or simply arround the same now that KOTH or Gangwars is being hosted again which myself created gangwars which got alot of population for my era.
"Your Era", ouch, that term hurts. Its hard to fix playercount, you know that.


So look at the facts and tell me as a player why i shoudn't complain about the status of the server now?
Because you dont have to play Era.

DazJenova 04-07-2008 01:06 AM


Originally Posted by Crow (Post 1384575)
100hp thing adds way more variety to damage. Some things have been changed already, the fully balanced weapons are not yet available though.

You cant just fix the economy out of nowhere.

TSA got rid of inactive staff just a week or two ago.

Huh? I would've put that to the bottom of your post or something..

I cant really comment that. Only out of my own point of view (sounds awkward, possibly wrong, but I hope you get what I mean).
Money is not a motivation for me. I script because its fun and I also learn alot. Problem is that I didnt have lots of time for Graal the last few weeks (mostly because of school).

See above, I guess.

"Your Era", ouch, that term hurts. Its hard to fix playercount, you know that.

Because you dont have to play Era.

Raising the damage on guns with the HP acts exactly the same how it used to be with 2dmg, 1.5dmg etc.

Ecomony has got WORSE much worse than what it used to be.

TSA only got rid of spyder, still inactive staff as in Nuada, Maverick, Gambet, Hyde, Icarus, Uchina and even TSA stated to Wil that the reason he doesen't want to get rid of them is because he can't be bothered to find replacements, which is his job.

Not all staff feel that way yes some acually do work for the fun of it like yourself, dem, mange but the rest don't do jack****.

Yes it's hard to fix playercount but the playercount is much less than what it used to be because there is NO updates and people are getting sick and tired of the same old era it was like 6months ago.

My reign as manager not my era is what i meant, i didn't own era nor does any manager.

I want to play hence why i'm making these assumptions and showing my opinion because players are sick to death of how things are run now it's a complete joke.

TSAdmin 04-07-2008 04:04 AM


Originally Posted by DazJenova (Post 1384590)
Daz's post

Maybe if you had been around, before just deciding to pop up out of nowhere just because it's obviously your hobby to piss me off every time you're around, and compare a lot of today with how it was with you, then say

"Oh, but I'm over that, it's in the past"

when obviously you're NOT over it comes accross as completely pathetic and bitter, you'd probably actually notice what has been done.

So you were removed by Globals for being a crappy manager (Not holding back on it anymore, tired of being kind to you about it), when you say "I'm over it", make sure you really are, because every time you moan to me, it always comes back to that one incident, and I'd say that is fueling you as well as blinding you to what has and hasn't changed, and how/why it has.

Playercount: If we're doing so bad as far as playercount goes, how is it that in the past 3-4 weeks, we've managed to hit the top of the server list in playercount almost every single day? If you're going to moan about our playercount, maybe you should go and check out other servers before you decide to have a go at the highest/second highest playercounting server from this and -end of- last month.

Development: Now, this is something I am getting SERIOUSLY sick of trying to get through your thick skull, and the only reason I'm going to state it for the 500th damn time is because this is not a PM, and there is more than just YOU reading it -:
The most updates the players are seeing right this minute are script based which cannot fully be covered up so as to be fun after the reset, rather than releasing all our levels/graphics/etc before it, only to have the reset come about and people knowing exactly how it's going to be and become furthermore bored faster. So you didn't see that Demisis developed a graphic, or made/fixed a gun to be (re)released. Or that Daisetsu has made ganis for said weapons.

Your assumption is - "If I don't see it happening, it is impossible that anything is happening at all" and quite frankly, no wonder Globals removed you as manager with attitudes like that seemingly surfacing, and your inability to read and comprehend in PMs exactly what I am saying here.

HP System: In actuality, while 10HP limited us to a melee weapon doing 1.5 damage, while a gun also doing 1.5 damage, 100HP DOES do something for us -:
Rather than having a bullet and a blunt instrument doing the exact same damage, we can now entirely seperate melee from gunshot. Melee being of lower damage, while gunshots being around 10x what they were with the 10HP. You need to think with logic, Daz, not just find it and use it to complain more and more.

Refer to this post -

I want to play:

SO PLAY. If you don't like it, DON'T PLAY. It's not a life/death decision. Now that the above problem is seemingly under control (About the economy), there's barely anything holding us back from resetting, anymore. I merely didn't want to reset knowing people knew how to screw things up so badly that quickly, and have Era in ruins within 10 minutes of the server being reopened. That's how simple it is by way of why it's taken so long. I wasn't going to LET that happen. What would you have said, then, Daz? The same crap you're saying now.

You have no idea how tempting it was to just lock/delete this thread, simply because I'm sick of playing like a broken record to your ears, only not to be heard yet again, just because you have a problem with me.

Spikedude 04-07-2008 04:44 AM


Originally Posted by TSAdmin (Post 1384644)
TSA's post

(This has to be broken into 2 posts because it's long)

ugh. Ok, I wasn't going to post again in this, but in the least offensive way possible, time to rip apart this entire post. First, losing your entire playercount now (I'll get to the 'playercount' issue in a minute) due to nobody seeing updates won't mean they'll all flock back immediately after the reset when you suddenly decide that it's now part of your agenda to release one or two things to entertain people. And not only that, but the fact that the only thing anyone has seen with their own two eyes in the past six months is text saying that the new management is going to delete every development in the past year because you're sick of them. Deleting the best looking guns in the game isn't the answer to solving every problem you have. And I know what your response is, so don't bother saying it. "JUST BECAUSE YOU DON'T SEE THE DEVELOPMENTS DOESN'T MEAN THEY DON'T EXIST!" Ok, I beleive you, you and your staff have been hard at work getting things ready for AFTER the reset, but HOW EXACTLY do you expect to hold players for BEFORE THE RESET so not everyone quits?

now, playercount. "LOOK AT THE PLAYERCOUNT, WE'VE BEEN IN TOP FOREVER NOW!" Era has ALWAYS been on the top 3 and jumping between those 3. So has Zodiac and Unholy Nation. This hasn't changed between the two managements, so don't try to flip this around. Playercount issues isn't whats happened already, it's the fact that many current players who have played for years are getting fed up with the lack of anything new to do.

HP System. You realize that you could have made things do fractions of damage before and it would have done the exact same thing...right? I can multiply things by 10 in my head too. What a great skill!

Spikedude 04-07-2008 04:45 AM

ARE YOU SERIOUSLY BLAMING THE ENTIRE ECONOMY PROBLEM ON DUPING?! Yes, that has become a big issue, but no, that is NOT the cause of the economy sucking to all sorts of extents right now. The fact that Era houses the kinds of people who would gladly spend 12 hours every day sitting in the same spot mining so that they can make the money for a rare gun is. If you want to solve the economy, you need to continuously be taking money out of iit. Whether by having some sort of event that costs money just to enter or something of that sort, you need to be taking money away from players to keep the economy in check. Duping has caused a large portion of the current problems, but it was bad before that as well. Duping was never made public until Meph duped his billion M1s in BH base long after the economy took a steep dump downhill. I'm not suggesting for a second the economy problem is your fault, but don't pin the whole thing on the fact that people dupe. My god.

Your last comment was built completely off of pure ignorance. The fact that you're basing your entire management off of "what I say goes and what the players want will adapt" is definantly coming out in this statement. People who want to play because of the entertainment they used to have are now being shut out because they don't think it's fun anymore. So instead of listening to what they say and attempting to keep the server fun for everyone, you say "if you don't like it, don't play?" As manager, your main job is to make sure the players are having fun and to keep constant communication between the players and staff.

Now for daz, yes, I'm grilling you too.

Constantly pointing out the obvious isn't helping your case. You can say that the economy is bad as many times as you want, the entire server already knows. If you want to try to make your point, you have to explain what's wrong with the economy, how you think you should fix it, and what you think the management is currently doing wrong about it. A lot of what you've said is not at all the fault of TSA or of the management in general.

Spikedude 04-07-2008 04:47 AM

Now my personal statement:
Era does NOT need a new makeover. We don't need a new gmap, we don't need to delete everything we've ever done, we don't need to change every system in the game. We need to have a staff who is willing to work side-by-side with the players to solve every complaint, deal with every problem, and attempt to keep the entire server fun for every person who plays. This can't be done by suggesting that they'll be happy in the long run because then what happens to the 25 percent of the players who aren't happy but who would have been completely content by doing something as simple as making a command to switch between the classic gang system and the new one.

Changing everything on the server to make it into some whole new planet isn't the best thing that can be done. You should be spending your time elsewhere such as making updates for the ideas of entertainment. After all, that's what video games are for, right?

Now sorry in advance for the fact that every one of you is going to pretend to be offended as if I have actually effected your mood in a negative way or somehow changed the future and caused one of you to be banned or fired, because we all know that isn't going to happen.


TSAdmin 04-07-2008 08:09 AM

I'm sorry to jump in and pick out a single thing to talk about, but there is something I really can't understand about the issue on the whole. New Content. Now, what I don't get about this topic is that there is a lot of complaining in here that there is "No new content", and that the same content for the past 6 years (and yes, it is 6 years, not just in the past 6 months!) is boring people and they don't want to play, okay, fair enough. I see that point, the same thing for 6 years, or even 6 months, can get fairly annoying, yet you shriek and complaing at the idea of new content such as a new GMAP (for a new feel for Era's City-Scape), new Gang stuff (since Era is a pretty much gang/pk-orientated server), and all this stuff... You want new content, but you also don't want things to change... It's becoming a merry-go-round, here.

Twinny 04-07-2008 08:45 AM


Originally Posted by TSAdmin (Post 1384707)
You want new content, but you also don't want things to change... It's becoming a merry-go-round, here.

I dealt with the same stupid concept on Zodiac :whatever: I couldn't even explain what they were telling me....demanding for the hell of it :x

Tigairius 04-07-2008 09:57 AM

Well, ultimately players rarely know what they want to see, they just want to be entertained. Personally, I was relieved when TSA got manager after Daz's reign of horror. Daz, you don't understand that developing things isn't as easy as, "Okay guys, DO THIS!" It takes the right people, who have time to do it, who can work together, and get things done... which only end up getting done eventually instead of immediately. While you were able to bring up some valid points, for the most part your posts are flooded with ignorance to the situation. Not to mention hiring new developers is a very difficult task as well. You can't just hire anyone off of the street, especially not on a top classic server. You have to be careful of who you hire, and they have to know what they're doing or it ends up making the server look bad. You can't honestly say "the server has been the same for 6months," simply because it hasn't.

Crow 04-07-2008 03:03 PM


Originally Posted by Tigairius (Post 1384709)
Well, ultimately players rarely know what they want to see, they just want to be entertained.

Thats the problem. They want to have something to do, but they are pissed when you get completely new content because they dont have the old stuff they all loved so much. Also, when staff/management is changing stuff without always asking players they always cry/send in useless support tickets (thats a rumor, but most likely true). I agree that players should be asked on certain things, or that players should have the option to use something or not (if thats possible!), but there are things that dont require player input, at all, because its too important or the input would be stupid. Or both.

Spikedude 04-07-2008 08:47 PM

The purpose of the server is to entertain the majority of players. If you do everything without even considering what the players might want, you will start to lose players and therefore the server will fail. And as for the content you upload, the people on the server just want something new to do at all times. Take a look at the most successful game in the country, however much I may hate it, World of Warcraft. They constantly add something new, whether it's a new quest, a new area on the map, a new weapon. Every tuesday, something new will be on the game. They never go back and delete everything from before and redo from the beginning. That's what Era needs to do. We need to consistently update the server with new content, not change or delete what's already there. Maybe one day we'll add a quest and a week later we'll add a new addition to the GMAP with a few new houses and the week after that we'll add a weapon shop with 2 brand new guns and a new hat. These brand new additions will give players that feeling that they need to buy everything to keep up with everyone else, and thus entertainment begins.

Crow 04-07-2008 09:27 PM

Your point is invalid.

First, WoW doesnt get new content every tuesday, thats bull****.
Second, Blizzard is professional, they know what they do. Of course they dont take away their content again.
And, third: Does Blizzard do what WoW players want? Think about that.

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