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Tails_night 06-18-2006 03:57 AM

Ghots me lay a few morefloor plans out
Okay ppls, please stick with subject in this,
I was thinking how awesome would it be to have a ghost ship that randomly appeared??
Ithough it would be cool to have a battered ship appear with fog surrounding it and maybe fire cannonballs here or there, not with extreme skill or anything, but it'd move sorta slow.Then when you entered its cargo, it'd be like multi-roomed, and a bit bigger, quit a bit bigger, acyually, than your average cargo have like 2 floors of ghosts or sumthing and priate-looking skeltons. Then i was discussing this with a few other people and we came up with haveing the last rom having a boss, maybe one that gives some decent exp, like more than a Lord though, then drop a key which opens a chest containing a load of rubies, saphires, diamonds, EC's, a gold key or sumthing along those lines, mainly HIGHLY wanted and rare stuff, you know worth your effort.

After you conquer it and set sail, it'll dissapear along with the fog, and within an set time period, maybe between 30-minutes to 2 hours, you xcan to find it again, and give you oh a 20 minute time period to find it.

oh and BTW these Pirate Skeletons and Ghost will be harder than your average skeleton, amybe harder and/or faster than you favorite Panthers and such, wayy harder and maybe wayy faster, for a better challenge.
waddya think comments, ideas suggestion, should something be removed from this picture, etc.

Draenin 06-20-2006 04:38 AM

Funny thing is, something like this was supposed to exist anyway...

GryffonDurime 06-20-2006 05:20 AM

Funny thing is Ghost Pirate MADE a Ghost Pirate Ship for RP Kingdoms.

cutelilmurderer 06-20-2006 06:00 AM

That would make good use of the fog and steambolt images I think. We could FINALLY get some more undead to slay with all of the undead killer stuff in the game. Resist ghosthit might actually be useful too.

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