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ZanderX 03-20-2006 10:53 AM

Moderator Suggestion Box
So apparently you guys have a lot of problems with the moderation team in general.

So here you go. Feel more than free to make any suggestions, criticisms towards the moderation team, edits to the rules, anything of that sort.

I'll make it very clear up front however that this is not a thread for arguments or debates. If you are going to respond to someone's post, it needs to be because you are ADDING something to a criticism, suggestion, or anything else left by another user.

So, just to cover the ground rules of this thread.

What you can do:
  • Make suggestions as to what we, the mods, can do better on the forums.
  • Criticize the mod team. Please make your criticisms well thought out and not pointless, personal jabs.
  • Suggest changes or additions to the rules to make the forums a friendlier place.
  • Make an addition to another user's post/suggestion/criticism in the form of a quote.
  • Any other forum suggestions that would make the forums better.

What you cannot do:
  • Flame another user or staff member.
  • Start a discussion of someone else's suggestion/criticism.
  • Start any sort of off-topic discussion in this thread.
  • Make suggestions related towards Graal the Game. This is strictly forums-related.

I will be liberally deleting posts that are not in line with the goals of this thread. I am simply letting you know all this in advance so that when I inevitably delete your post you don't scream and cry.

Have at it, ladies (what few of you there are) and gents (and boys).

CheeToS2 03-20-2006 11:21 AM

I'd like it if the signature height limit were smaller; some peoples signatures are obnoxiously huge.

I'm pondering if it would be useful to have a third supermod from a European country to watch the forums when Moonie and yourself are sleeping, but I think the forums would only benefit from that in the case of an emergency, since you two handle the regular operations dandily, in my opinion.

Crono 03-20-2006 11:45 AM

Very specific reasons for closing threads. For example, nothing like "PM ME LOL". I'd rather see a nice description as to why a certain thread is closed so that

1) It's harder to repeat the same mistake.

2) We can see whether the mod based their decision off the rules of not.

Flexibility of speech. I notice that we're slowly, again, being more and more restricted on what we can say and what we can't say.

1) Draw a concrete line between flaming and debating. This should help us when posting to make sure it's not stepping over the line.

2) Stop using "unixmad wants it" as an excuse. Rather than saying it, prove it. Don't lie.

excaliber7388 03-20-2006 03:45 PM

(Along with everything posted above)
-If you make up a new rule, at least put it in the forum rules.
-Learn to take critism, if people have sugestions, listen to them, THEY are the userbase, THEY are the ones paying for Graal
-More free speech
-Removal of that stupid anti-*** rule, it's discrimination.
-You KNOW I have more....I just have to think a bit more :p

excaliber7388 03-20-2006 04:12 PM


Originally Posted by CheeToS2
I'd like it if the signature height limit were smaller; some peoples signatures are obnoxiously huge.

I'm pondering if it would be useful to have a third supermod from a European country to watch the forums when Moonie and yourself are sleeping, but I think the forums would only benefit from that in the case of an emergency, since you two handle the regular operations dandily, in my opinion.

Mine is close to 300, I don't think 300 pix is so bad ;) The ones that are so big ARE above 300 pix already

Minoc 03-20-2006 05:32 PM

Some of the rules should be modified.

Mostly taken from my old thread:

1) Do not make threads to bash a playerworld. If you have a problem you wish to report please contact a member of the Playerworld Administration. If you have a problem that can be sorted out locally (jails, scams, some bans etc... please contact a staff member on the playerworld first)

Bashing is obviously wrong, however, in some cases, discussions would be more helpful to see both sides much more clearly. Do you recall the Graal2000 thread?

2) Do not post private history.

In most cases private history can't do any harm.
Lycia is banned thanks to private history. ;)

3) You are not permitted to discuss illegal activities such as game piracy on the board.

We should be able to discuss illegal activities without providing ways to perform them.

4) If you are banned, the ban applies to you specifically - not merely your account. If you return to the board with a new account, it is considered evasion of your ban - regardless of how much time has passed since the original banning. If you obtain special permission to post from a high admin, you must make the moderators aware of this by contacting a supermod before you register your account. If you do not, your account may still be banned.

The banned player should be able to register a new account and send private messages.

5) Furthermore, you are not permitted to post messages on the behalf of non-members.

Should depend on the case, as long as it isn't done constantly.

6) Accounts that take the form 'Admin-Playerworldxxx' or other local staff accounts (staff accounts rae defined as accounts which only work on the server its name contains, for example: Graal2001_FAQ) are not to be used on the message board. These exist purely for administration of the relevant playerworld. Upgrading them yourself (a bad idea anyway) does not remove this restriction.

A few players have had their staff accounts upgraded BEFORE that rule existed, they should obviously be able to post.

7) Discussions of bans are not permissible. If you have a question about a ban or would like to make an appeal, contact the relevant administrator by Forum PM (Private Message) or by e-mail.

Same as #1.

excaliber7388 03-20-2006 06:26 PM

I agree with all thats above, as usual. Heh, no mod intervention, no wonder no one's arguing ^^
the only thing I disagree with is the illegal activities. People should be alowed to post about illegal activities, but as a reminder, they can be reported for it ;) Other than that, these are some pretty sweet ideas. Lets just wait till Moonie gets back though :\

Loriel 03-20-2006 07:21 PM

  • make the swear filter a setting in the Options thingie for every account.
  • require post deletions/thread closures to show a reason directly citing a rule.
    • do not close/delete threads on the OP's request
    • do not close/delete threads because they get "out of hand", rather actively moderate
      discussions instead of arbitrarily ending them
  • less super-moderation, more localised moderators
  • reword the rules; make them more compact and more structurised
    • have Kai do that, or someone. He knows precise wording
    • clearly separate rules and rationale
    • silently enforce the SA forum rules
  • make the use of the :spam: and !pissed! emoticons bannable, give warnings for >_<
  • reduce the signature size limits oh god my signature is huge

Skyld 03-20-2006 07:49 PM


Originally Posted by Minoc
The banned player should be able to register a new account and send private messages.

I disagree with this.

I think if you have been banned, then you have somehow caused disruption or otherwise abused the service, and in that case, you should have the service withdrawn.

Originally Posted by Loriel
make the swear filter a setting in the Options thingie for every account.

I'm not sure that is a simple modification, or really acceptable.

Googi 03-20-2006 08:07 PM

Like I said in another thread, most of these problems can be solved simply by having moderators have to cite the rule or rules the post/thread breaks whenever they close or delete a post/thread. This can be done by quoting the rule(s) that the post/thread broke or by numbering the rules and then citing that number.

Loriel 03-20-2006 08:18 PM


Originally Posted by Googi
Like I said in another thread, most of these problems can be solved simply by having moderators have to cite the rule or rules the post/thread breaks whenever they close or delete a post/thread. This can be done by quoting the rule(s) that the post/thread broke or by numbering the rules and then citing that number.

That is what I said too. Partially.

Loriel 03-20-2006 08:22 PM


Originally Posted by Skyld
I'm not sure that is a simple modification, or really acceptable.

It would solve most of the issues people have with the swear filter without defeating its purpose.

xAndrewx 03-20-2006 08:28 PM


Originally Posted by CheeToS2
I'm pondering if it would be useful to have a third supermod from a European country to watch the forums when Moonie and yourself are sleeping, but I think the forums would only benefit from that in the case of an emergency, since you two handle the regular operations dandily, in my opinion.


Googi 03-20-2006 09:09 PM

We have European admins.

GoZelda 03-20-2006 09:37 PM

Deleting a post because someone is "offended" is ridiculous and should be removed.

Before continuing a debate or anything similar, a mod should think "Am I right or getting my ass handed on a plate?" and if the latter is the case (youknowwhoImean!) the mod should step out of the argument.

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