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Kristi 01-20-2004 08:58 AM

i never had an urge to use onwall onwall2 or onwater serverside until now, and now that i am... it seems like they dont work at all!

it detects water where it isnt, dosent detect it where it is. The walls seem randomly placed (ie not correct according to whatever level the servernpc is warped to)

shed light please?

osrs 01-20-2004 03:50 PM

I think that may happen with new tilesets (not sure though), maybe that's your problem?

Kristi 01-20-2004 07:45 PM


Originally posted by osrs
I think that may happen with new tilesets (not sure though), maybe that's your problem?
i tried both enabled and disabled... still no luck

jake13jake 01-21-2004 12:43 AM

Re: Help!!

Originally posted by Kristi
i never had an urge to use onwall onwall2 or onwater serverside until now, and now that i am... it seems like they dont work at all!

it detects water where it isnt, dosent detect it where it is. The walls seem randomly placed (ie not correct according to whatever level the servernpc is warped to)

shed light please?

I honestly have no clue, but you might want to tell what type of tileset you're using (picso or pics1). Also, it might be easier to help if you said what you were trying to do with the npc.

Kristi 01-21-2004 01:15 AM

Re: Re: Help!!

Originally posted by jake13jake

I honestly have no clue, but you might want to tell what type of tileset you're using (picso or pics1). Also, it might be easier to help if you said what you were trying to do with the npc.

what im trying to do is irrevelvant, its not testing right serverside, clientside its fun


Hevaricubed 01-21-2004 01:39 AM

Re: Re: Help!!

Originally posted by jake13jake

I honestly have no clue, but you might want to tell what type of tileset you're using (picso or pics1). Also, it might be easier to help if you said what you were trying to do with the npc.

Maybe.. make an NPC with onwall detection? perhaps? if thats ok with your worshipfulnes?

GoZelda 01-21-2004 02:32 PM

Are you sure the places and all are right? Perhaps you should display a dot at the place where there's a wall :\
And perhaps the player is water/wall/wahtever.

Kristi 01-21-2004 06:29 PM


Originally posted by GoZelda
Are you sure the places and all are right? Perhaps you should display a dot at the place where there's a wall :\
And perhaps the player is water/wall/wahtever.

Im sure its detecting wrong yes
however, im going to do that display because im curious as to what the npc is seeing

Kristi 01-21-2004 07:44 PM

ok, inside houses, onwall and onwall 2 detect like this (and yes the gaps are random)
(see picture)
same with onwater

outside (we use a different tileset with the SAME definitions, like water on our tileset is located where water on the other is)
it just all screws up.

Any suggestion?
(the blue was drawn by a .1 timeout test on each tile by a serverside npc)

Kristi 01-21-2004 07:45 PM

1 Attachment(s)
forgot pic X.x

GoZelda 01-21-2004 08:02 PM

That's one heck of a ugly level :p

Kristi 01-21-2004 08:21 PM


Originally posted by GoZelda
That's one heck of a ugly level :p
Not my fault and irrevelvant, its just where i was at the time

Can anyone solve either problem?

the outside levels tileset is done clientsided using addtiledef-... but it has pics1.pngs definitions

its using the wrong tiles serverside as walls and water, does anyone know how to make it right?

Edit: (more relevant info)

the tiledefs are clientside, and the npc has no client interaction, so it seems like its irrevelvant.

Where it messes up completely is outside on levels that are part of the map. It seems like it knows where things are placed though and is just detecting tiles as other tiles... i dunno.

I very much so dislike this

GoZelda 01-21-2004 09:15 PM


Originally posted by Kristi

Not my fault and irrevelvant, its just where i was at the time

Edit: (more relevant info)

the tiledefs are clientside, and the npc has no client interaction, so it seems like its irrevelvant.

Where it messes up completely is outside on levels that are part of the map. It seems like it knows where things are placed though and is just detecting tiles as other tiles... i dunno.

I very much so dislike this

You sure do like that word, don't you?

Alexander 01-21-2004 11:20 PM

I remember this problem when I was doing a present dropper npc for babylon o.o

if (onwall2(x,y,2,2)) = offwall

Just switch it around, on is off, and off is on, i think :confused:

jake13jake 01-22-2004 12:16 AM


Originally posted by Kristi
forgot pic X.x
The AI bot thing? It isn't THAT good of an idea... why try to hide it?

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