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hunterhunk 05-22-2014 07:19 PM

Gang system suggestion
The system we have now even has really tailed off from what gangs used to be.... All raiding takes place at one base, and gangs really have no base to defend in general. The system is flawed.

Before we implement the idea of this draft, I would like to offer one last suggestion. As new of a system as drafting gangs is, it kills what gangs have always been on Era.

1. Re-establish a more classic gang system: Yes, I know the classic gang system was changed, but with adjustments made to the system, it can be a good change. I am not necessarily sold on the number of gangs (either 3 or 4 along with Era Police) with 15, 18, or 20 man caps per gang. Give the gangs their own base back as well.

2. Either make an island for gangs where their bases are all close to each other to PK or put all bases the same distance from unstick. I think the island idea would be a nice fix, but putting bases next to unstick could work as well. This way there is not raiding at one base only.

3. Punish gangs for not defending their base. If a gang is not defending their base, punish the gang in ways similar to rewarding gangs for holding bases (reduced bullet damage, higher chance of bleeding, melee does more damage, etc.) to give gangs a reason to defend their base.

4. This might be the most controversial part of the system: Eliminate gun racks, and re-introduce gang guns as an item, and untaglock them. Bringing back the gang shop with the ability to buy the gang weapon at a high price (not necessarily set, but thinking in the range of what you would pay for a tier 3: 600-900k). This would give players in the gang an incentive to be active and raid, and stay loyal to the gang they are in. It also makes the leaders be careful of who they give their gun to. This idea still probably needs some work, but I do think it would make things much more enjoyable.

This is simply a suggestion. I think it can be a good way to increase gang activity, because of the incentives provided to players for playing.

The draft system would kill what a gang really is. It just turns into party PKing for the most part, and who you pk with changing every week. That is not what gangs have been.

Feel free to offer feedback on this. I just wanted to put this out there before we were sold on this system.

Tim_Rocks 05-22-2014 08:02 PM

I do like the idea of punishing gangs for not defending their base. I don't believe this would be better than the draft system though. I have plans to get rid of the gang racks though, but I still won't be selling gang guns to players.

hunterhunk 05-22-2014 09:23 PM


Originally Posted by Tim_Rocks (Post 1727353)
I do like the idea of punishing gangs for not defending their base. I don't believe this would be better than the draft system though. I have plans to get rid of the gang racks though, but I still won't be selling gang guns to players.

Considering that you are the one making the draft system, I understand why you believe in it. I'm sure its a great system.

We both are biased toward our own ideas. I personally think the draft system kills gangs altogether and makes things more like parties.

I just believe that players feel the need to have an incentive or perk to raiding and being active, and selling gang guns is a perk/incentive for players to work toward.

Appreciate the feedback though, just trying to offer some help.

Eclipse 05-22-2014 09:46 PM

the draft system is going to suck more than tims inventory... if i hated his basic inventory god knows ill hate his gang system.

Why do we let people who don't PK develop our gang and pk systems?:cry::cry::cry:

2Pac 05-22-2014 10:07 PM

If the draft system is something from what i have heard, (captains drafting players every week for gangs). In my opinion, it most certainly wont work. One of the main elements of being in a gang, is being in it with your homies. You are going to end up with so many situations, where the captains will not get along with there fellow gang mates whom they've drafted. This is simply due to a combination immaturity of players on Era and the fact people make enemies. Who want's to fight side by side with an enemy? Will people like Catmater take orders from some one whom they consider inferior to them (aka everyone)?

Don't get me wrong, i think draft picking is a great idea, i just don't believe it's going to work due to these factors. People will simply party tag up with their homies, and raid, or raiding will cease to exist because there will be no benefit in raiding other than the simple joy of killing players, and unfortunately i don't believe that's enough for some players.

In regards to HunterHunk's post,
1. I believe bringing back a more classic gang system is in need. In my opinion, i believe 3 gangs maximum with no gang limit should be introduced. Simply because Era lack's the player traffic it once had.

2. I'm not sure having multiple gang bases or all gang bases on an island would help anything, i believe that it will end up as it has always ended up. With players pking at one base. I think a possible way to give a variation to the levels which players pk in, is to either make one giant base comprised of all of the gang bases in one (which would actually be a mess IMO) or to make it such that the base which players pk at, had alternating interiors. What i mean by that is, for 2 hours it would be the black holst interior, for 2 hours it would be the blazian bandits interior, etc... I don't know if this is even possible to do to be honest. (scripting alternating levels)

3. I support this idea partially. This would require the multiple gang bases, which i personally don't think is going to work. Another idea i have is that you could make it so the bonuses alternate gang bases, and perhaps this would force players to raid other bases. (IE: in my opinion the most valuable gang bonus is the bullet damage one at bh, so make it alternate to different gang bases)

4. I think this is a great idea as well, because working towards things is what drives most players. I don't think that making these gang guns worth money is a great idea, i think perhaps each single gun should be worth gang points. So the leader could spend the gang's points on buying these guns, rather than actual money. Not everyone is willing to mine for 500 years to get the money for that ****. Another problem with this though, is only certain members will get gang guns, specifically the Leaders closer friends. There will be a lot of corruption unless some type of system is implemented which is out of the gang leaders control to a degree. As Hunk said, his idea needs some work so perhaps some one else has ideas pertaining to topic #4.

I one hundred percent agree with hunk, that the draft system destroys what a gang really is. The type of gang system which has existed on Era, has existed for over a decade, why trying and change something which obviously works?

Rave_J 05-22-2014 11:52 PM

why not just go back to the only gang system that works since era history ?
Have gangs that sell gang weapons and gang ammo (gang weapons not gang locked) and make it where you can only buy the gang weapon and ammo from a gang member.
So gangs can be profitable too, Did no one wonder why their was ammo to stock or mines for gangs ?
One example was LC had the hyper shell gun that sell hyper shell ammo. Might cost a gang member 10k to buy it and they sell it to the public for 20k etc their is profit margin but you can also make it where only high ranks can buy and sell thought. Maybe you can throw themes into gangs as well like Vampire gang in the sewers, a bank robber gang in the subway or BB their hideout would be in the subway. etc There tons of things that era hasn't done yet

Tim_Rocks 05-23-2014 12:24 AM


Originally Posted by Rave_J (Post 1727360)
why not just go back to the only gang system that works since era history ?

What gang system would that be? Cause as far as I'm concerned, all it consisted of was gang tags with basic player hire/fire. The players have changed and that basic system will not work.


Originally Posted by hunterhunk (Post 1727354)
Considering that you are the one making the draft system, I understand why you believe in it.

I'm working on it because I believe players will enjoy it. It wasn't my idea, but I do support positive changes within the server. That being said, if the system ends up being unsuccessful it will be very easy to revert back to the current system.


Originally Posted by Eclipse (Post 1727356)
the draft system is going to suck more than tims inventory... if i hated his basic inventory god knows ill hate his gang system.

Why do we let people who don't PK develop our gang and pk systems?:cry::cry::cry:

You hate anything that's even remotely different. Aside from that, PKing is nothing more than arrow keys, shooting, and reloading. Let's not make it something more.

Also, the draft system is open for suggestions. If you don't like your leader, then you'll be able to report them using the internal draft tools that I will be working on. It would be very easy to swap leaders within a gang.

hunterhunk 05-23-2014 01:14 AM


Originally Posted by Tim_Rocks (Post 1727361)
What gang system would that be? Cause as far as I'm concerned, all it consisted of was gang tags with basic player hire/fire. The players have changed and that basic system will not work.

You're still missing the point. The way you want gangs to be just makes the game more individualized. Chances are no matter who is leading, you will most likely not work together as a group like you would with others. This system will not work. As neat as it can be, this does not work for gangs, especially changing gangs every week.


Originally Posted by Tim_Rocks (Post 1727361)
I'm working on it because I believe players will enjoy it. It wasn't my idea, but I do support positive changes within the server. That being said, if the system ends up being unsuccessful it will be very easy to revert back to the current system.

You hate anything that's even remotely different. Aside from that, PKing is nothing more than arrow keys, shooting, and reloading. Let's not make it something more.

PKing is more than just pressing arrows and reloading and shooting, someone who has been an avid player would tell you that. Eclipse has a point as well, staff members who were not players in the past do not know what the players want. In all honesty, most of the Era players do not know what they want.

Tim, we know you work hard and you provide a lot of stuff in the development areas, but in all respect, I do not think you should have much input on gangs and PKing.

Let the Gang Admin make those decisions, along with other staff members who have been players in the past.

BlueMelon 05-23-2014 01:17 AM

We've "gone back to the old system" a couple of times for gangs, but in the long haul, they don't turn out to be as successful as we would think. It seems to come in spurts. Players gain interest in a new system (either love or hate) and it slowly dies out (lack of interest). A couple of developments are in the works which should bring interesting turnouts.

Although I do like the idea of the draft system, I'm not sure it could be executed properly on Era because of the playercount. I think we can agree Graal has always been a social platform of some sort. You want to play with your friends. Since Era PC has such a small playercount, you basically already know everyone and how skilled they are (if they are a n00b or not).


Originally Posted by hunterhunk (Post 1727363)
In all honesty, most of the Era players do not know what they want.

This is probably the biggest challenge for a developer or staff. Since no one is getting paid, stuff gets made out of motivation and players ideas, this can turn out to be a good thing or sometimes a bad thing.

Rave_J 05-23-2014 02:09 AM

lol then just erase gangs and not have gangs just have guilds with hangout house like they do on iera. Case Close

Fulg0reSama 05-23-2014 03:34 AM

Here's one thing as a non Era player I never did understand.

Era's idea of roleplay imposes you are in gangs as some form of gangster, but there's no real sense of rivalry between anyone..?
What's the deal with that?

Also, how is the PvP exactly balanced for Era? Just curious about that really.

shrimps 05-23-2014 05:29 AM

Back in the olden days there was actually rivalry between gangs, but the player count was also in the hundreds and people were loyal to their gang/gang leaders. IMO it always comes down to player count and just the way people have changed over time. The same people who played back then want what they had and will never get (because again player count) and the new people come and go.

I don't think PVP is really balanced, you're either good or bad at sparing/PKing and those worse people can help themselves by buying better weapons, but it all comes down to skill really. Some people are good some are bad. Also "LAGGGG PLZ LAGGG MOAR!~"

bloodykiller 05-23-2014 03:44 PM

all you need for active gangs is:
-3 gangs
-respectable gang leaders
-1 good base next to unstick
-gang events atleast twice a week
-no bh pk
-no pk events when raids are going on

Fulg0reSama 05-23-2014 03:57 PM


Originally Posted by shrimps (Post 1727374)

Well of course with more people, it's easier to make it work within the sandbox environment, but the game itself doesn't do Anything to perpetuate that sense of rivalry itself and that's what honestly confuses me.

Eclipse 05-24-2014 01:09 PM


Originally Posted by Tim_Rocks (Post 1727361)
You hate anything that's even remotely different. Aside from that, PKing is nothing more than arrow keys, shooting, and reloading. Let's not make it something more.

This is why your system will suck, because "Pking is just hitting arrows and reloading"

When was the last time you raided, owned a gang, pked for more than 3 minutes. You were NEVER a good pker or even relevant in eras past, yet you are going to cal the shots :rolleyes:

it's like your the admin that slipped through the cracks and everyone's like, "ehh alright he can stay"

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