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Dnegel 04-14-2010 05:24 PM

Suggestion: Big Gang Event
2 Attachment(s)
I just got an idea, about this awesome gang event that maybe could be made for Era or New Era, not now, but maybe later?

I used alot of time on writing this, so please be serious and tell what you think and such.

PS: Please read everything, dont read just small parts, it will not make sense if you read fast. Take your time, and you will understand alot more.

Each gang is a team, so there will be three teams. Every gang got their own base and everybody starts with nothing in their inventory (would be very hard too script, and I dont even know if it's possible).

The biggest meaning of this event is that you need a plan too be able too actually win.

How do we win?
You win by holding the mansion base (destroy a golden chest like on KOTH), your team gets 5 points for each tenth second. You can also win by killing players on the other team, but you only get 1 point by killing one player, so controlling the manision is better and more effective.

How much time we have, and how many points we need too win?
The time vary's, because in the lobby the ETA chooses between 30 minutes timer- 3 hours timer (yes 3 hours, alot eh). And then the he choose the points needed too win, which could be 500p-5000p.

What if I die?
If you die you will respawn at your base with nothing (losing your gun and ammo), so you have too start with bad weapons again. A good reason too keep yourself alive and play good so your team can win.

What is the reward?!
Im unsure what the rewards should be, it may happen that there is an short event just for fun. Or there is a big and long event, where the rewards are good and every player gets something that is worth something.

F.eks :
BH wins and every player that was on the BH team gets: 5 ecs
BB came on second place, so each player in the BB team will get something for participating and not being the worst team: 2 ecs
LC came on third place and was not so lucky, but everyone on the team gets alittle reward for participating: 1 ec

Now this is just an example, the prices should be the ETA's decision, he choose what the rewards are and such.

Starting Guns
Every gang got a part of their base called "The gun warehouse" and that warehouse got these guns:
  • Handguns
  • Uzis
  • Shotguns
  • Ak47's
  • Taurus
  • Colt m1911
So no one really get any good guns(yet), the guns in the gun warehouse ranges from $100-$1500.

(If i've forgotten any guns between the range then please tell me and I will fix it.)

Mansion Warehouse
This warehouse is supposed too be filled with alot of effective and good guns:
  • M3
  • AC
  • Mini SMG
  • Mk23
  • Xm8
These guns ranges from $2000-$7000.

(If i've forgotten any guns between the range then please tell my and I will fix it.)

They also have too pick up ammo in the gun warehouse, and they cant have more that f.eks 4-6 magazines.

Mk23 f.eks, 25 bullets x 6 magazines = 150 bullets.

150 bullets can last for long if you dont waste them or spam at people, this would also be good so spam is useless, but skill and tactics would be the key..

  • Each gang needs 15 people that are in the gang too be able too be in the event.
  • Of course the event needs an ETA too.

Image Examples

I made an example on how the outside Gmap could be:
Attachment 50902
And here's a little image that shows what some of the things on the map are.
Attachment 50903

1. Blazian Bandits Side
BB's Side is filled with tree's on the south side, and a beach surrounding the whole part of the land.
  • 1.1 BB's Gun Warehouse
This is where BB's Guns and Ammo are, and this is where the BB players have to go too get ammo and a gun. Without it they will just die and destroy everything for their team, and they would probably get kicked.
  • 1.2 BB's HQ
Every base usally have a HQ (Head Quarter), and this is where everyone on the BB team will start.
There is also beds and medkits there, but the medkits only heal 5hp, and the beds heals only 10hp two times slower than what they do on the beds on Era, for the sake of realism.

2. Los Carteles Side
LC's Side is filled with tree's, and a beach surrounding the whole part of the land.
  • 2.1 LC's Gun Warehouse
This is where LC's Guns and Ammo are, and this is where the LC players have to go too get ammo and a gun.
  • 2.2 LC's HQ
This is where everyone on the LC team will start.There is also beds and medkits there.

3. Black Holst's Side
BH's Side is filled with tree's on the south side, and a beach surrounding the whole part of the land.
  • 3.1 BH's Gun Warehouse
This is where BH's Guns and Ammo are, and this is where the BH players have to go too get ammo and a gun.
  • 3.2 BH's HQ
This is where everyone on the BH team will start.There is also beds and medkits there.

4. Little Isle
This is a little Isle you gotta go on to get too the mansion, this Isle is filled with sandbags everywhere, so you can protect yourself from your enemies, or you can try fight them.
  • 4.1. Brigdes
These are brigdes, and you gotta go over these to get too the mansion.

5. Mansion
This is a big building and it is the most important place in the event, and this
place will be very populated because of the good guns in the warehouse and the base you gotta hold to get points.
  • 5.1 Mansion Warehouse
This is the Mansion gun warehouse, this is where the good guns are and ammo.
  • 5.2 Mansion HQ
This is a big hall that your team gotta hold too have a chance to win.

6. Water
This water is seperating the parts of the land.
  • 6.1 Light blue Water
This water is poisoned like the water in KOTH, so you will die if you stay too long in it.
  • 6.2 Green Bluish Water
No one should touch this water, if you do you will die instantly (radioactive water, very radioactive!).


I think this was everything, if you got any other suggestions or such blabla then post them. ;)

Eclipse 04-14-2010 06:57 PM

way tl:dr

Dnegel 04-14-2010 07:25 PM


Originally Posted by Eclipse (Post 1569201)
way tl:dr

I agree with you there. x_x

Those who read it is a maniac.

Old_Days 04-14-2010 07:30 PM

wtf does tl:dr mean

salesman 04-14-2010 07:51 PM


Originally Posted by Old_Days (Post 1569207)
wtf does tl:dr mean

Too long; didn't read.

I, however, took the time to read it. It doesn't really sound like anything new though...just KotH with weapon restrictions.

Dnegel 04-14-2010 08:00 PM


Originally Posted by salesman (Post 1569218)
Too long; didn't read.

I, however, took the time to read it. It doesn't really sound like anything new though...just KotH with weapon restrictions.

Hmm yes, but there could maybe be changed alittle.

Maybe each base is being controlled, pretty much like Domination on Mw2?

papajchris 04-14-2010 08:38 PM


Originally Posted by Dnegel (Post 1569221)
Hmm yes, but there could maybe be changed alittle.

Maybe each base is being controlled, pretty much like Domination on Mw2?

I think it would be better if it was more played out like headquarters where the objective changes between 3-5 locations. That way it allows every gang a chance to get in there and defend it, while one location usually allows the defending gang to build in and what not.

Trak 04-14-2010 08:56 PM

A new gang event like Cod's Domination or Headquaters would be fun. :D

Wouldn't just be a bunch of people sitting in a room and laming, would actually require tactics and moving around.

Scary_Sock 04-14-2010 10:58 PM

I'm waiting for the "We'll consider it for New Era" post.

Trak 04-14-2010 11:12 PM


Originally Posted by Scary_Sock (Post 1569261)
I'm waiting for the "We'll consider it for New Era" post.

Who isn't :confused:

Dnegel 04-14-2010 11:45 PM


Originally Posted by papajchris (Post 1569223)
I think it would be better if it was more played out like headquarters where the objective changes between 3-5 locations. That way it allows every gang a chance to get in there and defend it, while one location usually allows the defending gang to build in and what not.

I love Headquarters, and I think it would be really sweet too have such an event.


Originally Posted by Scary_Sock (Post 1569261)
I'm waiting for the "We'll consider it for New Era" post.


Originally Posted by Dnegel (Post 1569189)
I just got an idea, about this awesome gang event that maybe could be made for Era or New Era, not now, but maybe later?


MontyPython 04-14-2010 11:52 PM


Originally Posted by Eclipse (Post 1569201)
way tl:dr

I absolutely love responses like this. +1, eh? Your insight to the topic is most beneficial. Seriously, shut the **** up. If you didn't read it, don't ****ing post. No one cares. That being said, it's really not surprising that anything over a couple of sentences is too long for you to read, Eclipse.

On topic: I like the idea of restricting the guns on the map, but like you said, I'd imagine that be a ***** to script. My biggest problem with it is that, like sales said, it's basically KoTH. The only really new concept brought to the table is strict regulation of weapons and ammo.

One thing though, you've got $$$ price ranges on the guns, but surely you can't charge them actual money from their account. I don't see anything in the original post about how you actually earn money. You earn a point with a kill, but no money?

Trak 04-15-2010 02:19 AM


Originally Posted by MontyPython (Post 1569273)
One thing though, you've got $$$ price ranges on the guns, but surely you can't charge them actual money from their account. I don't see anything in the original post about how you actually earn money. You earn a point with a kill, but no money?

It'd be better deducting the points that each team gain. Deduct points for guns, the better the gun, the higher the deduction. Makes the team communicate and actually use tactics. ^^

iRedemption 04-15-2010 02:37 AM

there is already a territories gang event (basiclly domination mw2)

LC won it a couple times awhile back but it was never hosted again because apparently its broken even though it was fine before

Trak 04-15-2010 02:38 AM


Originally Posted by iRedemption (Post 1569323)
there is already a territories gang event (basiclly domination mw2)

LC won it a couple times awhile back but it was never hosted again because apparently its broken even though it was fine before

Same happened to outbreak, aparently it broke but 3 hours ago it was working just fine? :confused:

I miss it :cry::cry::cry:

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