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Pimmeh 03-08-2009 09:48 PM

News Admin Application: Pimmeh

Originally Posted by Stefan (Post 1472371)
Some questions for applicants:
1. What is your Graal account name?
2. Do you have gold?
3. What is your past experience? (Please post only relevant experience such as creation of news, and updates on
4. What would you like to do if given the position?
5. Why should you be given the position over the other applicants?

Hello, I am Pimmeh (Pim is my real name) and I have been on Graal since somewhere mid-2002 and I started developing shortly after that. I have always wanted to bring the Graal community (forum and non-forum) closer together, and two years ago I thought of a news community, but it never landed.

I still see this as something that was a good idea, and now I see that Stefan agrees with me. :)

If I would make it to be News Admin, I would dedicate several hours a week writing reviews and reporting on news, be it funny, serious, or just significant. This news will hopefully get players more interested in other servers outside of the visible ones, and bring in a larger player base.

A News Admin writes, and since writing is what I do best, I think I am perfectly fit for the job. Also, not unimportant, I can get along with people well, seeing as there is (in my knowledge) no one who dislikes me.

In terms of personal information, I am 18 years old and currently in the USA for a foreign exchange program. When I get back at the end of the year to the Netherlands I will go to college and study History, eventually using that to go into game design. (Dont ask me for specifics, its a complicated plan.)

Now, I will await response, naturally.

Best regards,

Switch 03-08-2009 09:52 PM

I respect Pim, and from all that I've seen from him I think he is perfect for the position.
He has never given me a problem before.

You have my support Pimmeh!

Codein 03-08-2009 09:55 PM

I support Pimmeh. I'm confident in his talents and he'll do amazingly well at this job.

Good luck :)

Novice 03-08-2009 10:15 PM

You would be a great choice for this position.

Rufus 03-08-2009 10:44 PM

From what I've seen in your forum posts your English is very broken. That is probably something you should look into before applying for a position that will mostly rely on the structured use of the English language.

Matt 03-08-2009 11:11 PM


Originally Posted by Rufus (Post 1472389)
From what I've seen in your forum posts your English is very broken. That is probably something you should look into before applying for a position that will mostly rely on the structured use of the English language.

I'd have to agree with that because i have also noticed this also. Not trying to be rude or bash on you, but nearly perfect grammar would be important in this position (i would hope), since you will have to publish documents to 'us' (the public).

Pimmeh 03-08-2009 11:11 PM


Originally Posted by Rufus (Post 1472389)
From what I've seen in your forum posts your English is very broken. That is probably something you should look into before applying for a position that will mostly rely on the structured use of the English language.

Could you do me a favor and point out what exactly is wrong with my English? At all? And I don't mean type speed errors (waht instead of what, you know that drill) since that doesn't apply to English skill.

Elizabeth 03-09-2009 01:54 AM

i support pimmeh (:

Pimmeh 03-20-2009 05:10 AM


Originally Posted by Matt (Post 1472401)
I'd have to agree with that because i have also noticed this also. Not trying to be rude or bash on you, but nearly perfect grammar would be important in this position (i would hope), since you will have to publish documents to 'us' (the public).

Can anyone point out what was wrong with my posts?

Elizabeth 03-20-2009 03:40 PM

wait so do you have gold or not

Codein 03-20-2009 04:27 PM


Originally Posted by Elizabeth (Post 1476114)
wait so do you have gold or not

He does.

Clockwork 03-20-2009 04:28 PM


Originally Posted by Pimmeh (Post 1476062)
Can anyone point out what was wrong with my posts?

Don't listen to them Pimmeh. Your grammar (and english) is very nice. ^^

MiniOne 03-22-2009 09:49 AM

Only problem I had with this app was the failure to number the answers and match them up with the questions, but other then that great app. Though next time specifically answer this question rather then answering around it.

Pimmeh 03-22-2009 05:41 PM

Yeah, I figured that If I did a whole paragraph that answers all questions, I'd be good.
The only question that I didn't answer is the Gold thing, because I thought it was obvious.

fragman85 03-22-2009 05:59 PM


Originally Posted by Matt (Post 1472401)
I'd have to agree with that because i have also noticed this also. Not trying to be rude or bash on you, but nearly perfect grammar would be important in this position (i would hope), since you will have to publish documents to 'us' (the public).

No comment.

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