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Lyndzey 02-20-2006 01:12 AM

Since the release of 2001 is still hours away, lets start a memory thread in order to make time pass by faster.

I remember logging in on 2001 the day it opened, and playing CS for hours with the other 4 people that had gold.

I remember when IcePick's age changed every other day because he needed to be 18 in order to be an admin. He realized that jumping from 12 to 18 in one day wasn't logical, so he tried to space it out over a month.

I remember having a jump rope contest (the rope was the only NPC), but MadBrad cheated and I only got second.

I remember becoming Queen of Dustari (though I didn't know what RP was) because I was the only girl other than Lycia who played.

Can't wait til it comes out again.

xalvinx 02-20-2006 01:25 AM

I remeber all happy memories bout this server, definatley alot better than UN and Era. I love growing the apples and being able to buy hats, I was once a ET and a Auctioneer a long time ago, baking apple pie and everything is very fun. Than later on my account got banned since it was one of those accounts Kaelink got if you gave him 150 gralats in another server etc. So I couldn't play graal2001 until about 2 years later I got my own paypal account and now im here trying to play again :)

OasaTor_PK 02-20-2006 01:30 AM

I remember logging onto someone elses account and getting it banned..


Good times.

Damix2 02-20-2006 01:31 AM

I guess we will have to watch the slideshow when it opens.

To many memories, too lazy to type. The best is JPA

Lyndzey 02-20-2006 01:34 AM

Look for me in the slideshow!!

Ha, I remember JPA. That's how I got the idea for PPA.

We need his island back :(

Judge_S 02-20-2006 01:49 AM

I remember working my arse off to get the Diamond Axe, and when I finally did get it, I never mined again. ...This happened to me twice. ¬_¬

Hmm, what else... I remember being FAQ, which was fun.

I also recall trying desperately to try to get a bomy pet, but never actually succeeding in getting the Draktha or Naifets pets that I so desperately wanted.

Oh, right. I remember when the Draisine and the railroad building tools were released, and we had havoc all over 2k1 with people building in the most inconvenient places, as well as using the tracks to sneak into areas that weren't supposed to be released.

I also recall the fishing bug, which threw the economy out of whack almost from the get-go, but pretty much everyone used it, so it wasn't that drastic of an effect.

And of course, who could forget Jin's Island, which was so unceremoniously crushed by the Bomy Moon. :(

I hope to see lots of familiar faces here later today! I'm actually going to be playing under my old name, as much as I loathe it!

Lyndzey 02-20-2006 01:53 AM

I remember being ET, FAQ, and Police all at the same time. A group of us basically dominated each staff position.

I remember putting a gralat in the doorway of the admin house, trapping everyone who used unstick me. Then DARK LETTUCE would PK everyone. We need to get spi, S P E K K I O, Toran, and Brad back.

haunter 02-20-2006 01:54 AM

I remember walking into the Bomy Church thing on Mount Antora and finding a Diamond Axe and 1g...

GryffonDurime 02-20-2006 02:05 AM


Originally Posted by haunter
I remember walking into the Bomy Church thing on Mount Antora and finding a Diamond Axe and 1g...

Now that's the god I wanna worship!

Damix2 02-20-2006 02:05 AM


Originally Posted by Lyndzey
I remember being ET, FAQ, and Police all at the same time. A group of us basically dominated each staff position.

I remember putting a gralat in the doorway of the admin house, trapping everyone who used unstick me. Then DARK LETTUCE would PK everyone. We need to get spi, S P E K K I O, Toran, and Brad back.

You hired me for Police!!!

Yea, his chair was great, I would lag onto it and people thought I was hacking

Rolav 02-20-2006 03:41 AM

so wait Spark was lying when he said it wasnt being releaseD?

Rick 02-20-2006 03:45 AM

Lyndzey 02-20-2006 03:59 AM

The 6 person heart of my favorites.

Look at all those players. I remember whenever I would go near the market, my computer would freeze up from the terrible lag.

haunter 02-20-2006 04:17 AM


Originally Posted by GryffonDurime
Now that's the god I wanna worship!

Yah and then I ran out and a Bomy ran in as soon as I left. Then he chased me and was all like "Hey give me back my diamond axe!" and I was all like "WTF Bomies can't mine LOL!" and ran away.

protagonist 02-20-2006 04:53 AM


Originally Posted by Lyndzey
I remember when IcePick's age changed every other day because he needed to be 18 in order to be an admin. He realized that jumping from 12 to 18 in one day wasn't logical, so he tried to space it out over a month.

Haha. That guy was a genius.

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