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ffcmike 06-19-2011 02:53 AM

Preview: Tomb Quest Preparation
Not much entirely new or expected to wow people but here's a preview video showing a few things that have been prepared for the next upcoming Quest:

As usual it should be noted that this is just a test level and not something that should be expected as a final product.
Bat Form is only intended for display and not something that will be possible to obtain as of yet.

xnervNATx 06-19-2011 03:24 AM

Look nice. Keep up the good work.

fowlplay4 06-19-2011 03:47 AM

Are your scripts accessible/configurable enough for LATs to create their own quests or do you have to do custom work for each quest?

ffcmike 06-19-2011 03:54 AM


Originally Posted by fowlplay4 (Post 1655292)
Are your scripts accessible/configurable enough for LATs to create their own quests or do you have to do custom work for each quest?

With the common resources yes they are fairly simple to add and customise as most of the work is being done within a class, it's only the things such as setting this.variables plus how one resource may interact with a different resource in the same level that requires some thought + basic scripting knowledge.

Vinka 06-19-2011 03:28 PM

Very creative Thor well done. :)

JesusFreak250 06-19-2011 04:13 PM

looking good!

Pimmeh 06-19-2011 07:50 PM

The final sound before the bat transformation sounds like a Photon Cannon from Starcraft 1 firing. Is this freely available material or could you get in trouble with that?

ffcmike 06-19-2011 07:54 PM


Originally Posted by Pimmeh (Post 1655360)
The final sound before the bat transformation sounds like a Photon Cannon from Starcraft 1 firing. Is this freely available material or could you get in trouble with that?

While I cannot categorically state this was a public domain sound as a fact, it is something I was led to believe on the website I found it on in 2008 (cannot remember which or what its original filename was after all this time).

I've tried searching for a video showing the photon cannon for comparison, I can't seem to find one for Starcraft 1, though having seen one for Starcraft 2 that one seemed to be very slightly similar but definitely not the same.

maximus_asinus 06-19-2011 08:00 PM

I love what you're doing with Classic. This is a great foundation for quests providing these custom features are not terribly difficult to implement on a large scale. You're definitely bringing a Zelda feel not truly present before into the server. I just hope that you bring some creativity to the future quests (I was only ever able to play that ninja quest and that wasn't too great).

ffcmike 06-19-2011 08:21 PM


Originally Posted by maximus_asinus (Post 1655363)
I was only ever able to play that ninja quest and that wasn't too great.

If you're referring to the ninja trial this was only intended to be simple and tutorial-esque as it was an early stage of the game.
It's always been the intention to gradually notch up the complexity.

smirt362 06-20-2011 05:05 AM

Neat as always, can't wait to work through the new quest.

Sp_lit 06-20-2011 09:54 PM


Originally Posted by smirt362 (Post 1655439)
Neat as always, can't wait to work through the new quest.


I think this looks promising, will be interesting to see the final product

ffcmike 06-22-2011 03:08 AM

Wonder who this is :).

maximus_asinus 06-22-2011 04:22 AM


Originally Posted by ffcmike (Post 1655365)
If you're referring to the ninja trial this was only intended to be simple and tutorial-esque as it was an early stage of the game.
It's always been the intention to gradually notch up the complexity.

I played through the Zol's toilet quest today (while you spied on me). I felt the quest had real potential but...
  • I felt you didn't fully explore the water system idea, there is so much more you could have done other than filling/draining to create paths.
  • I also felt that everything was really cramped and that a lot of the linearity that is present in dungeons in Zelda was not captured in this quest and made finding what I had to do next very confusing. In Zelda you would enter a dungeon, you would have one or two exits to the room (excluding the door you came from). The level would be designed to push you towards these doors. Then by looking at your map after traveling a few rooms you would notice the game pushes you into one general direction -- towards your goal. Your quest reminded me of swiss cheese and I would have hated to play it if it was larger (and still without organization).
  • I was confused as hell for the boss in the first minutes. I was running around the room because I thought I was supposed to catch up and get behind him but he kept turning after I got so close. This was very annoying because your objective is to either tire the boss out or make him dizzy but by running the room as I did he did not do either and he kept resetting after changing direction. After I realized that I had to go slower (and that was a fluke realization) I was able to defeat him.
  • Again, I was not sure if I was tiring the rat out or making him dizzy. Maybe add a status icon above his head to clarify (anime styled water drop or spinning stars is an idea).
  • Apparently there is a save point outside of the toilet but I managed to skip past it while doing the quest and only found out about its existence because you PMed me afterwards.
Oh and Bell I do say nice things sometimes, no need to act so shocked!

ffcmike 06-22-2011 05:34 AM

I'm somewhat surprised with your feeling about linearity, as when you factor in certain levels only being accessible once the water is lowered, it is straight forward from the start, with the exception of one right turn you can take if you kill all of the rats for the key where that door is. This level is then also not possible to progress through without the big key.
Once the water level is lowered it's then a matter of re-visiting the same levels you already passed through, with it then being possible to enter an entirely new set of lower levels at the same place you began.
It shouldn't really be a matter of figuring out what path to take, but how they combine to enable you to obtain the big key.

I'm wondering if you noticed the book in the level before the rat boss?
There will always be some trial and error involved in defeating the boss but I think this book should atleast in-still the idea that you need to tire it out.

Maybe I should have elaborated some more on save points, they can actually be set within any bed rather than being something you find within specific places.

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