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Crono1508 07-21-2009 11:46 PM

Graal: Video Advertising
Would it be worth it to make a video uploaded via YouTube for advertising and to attract more players?

The video would contain multi-playerworlds gameplay mainly consisting Unholy Nation, Era, and Zodiac. I would advertise Graal Kingdoms, but I do not own Gold nor have I even played it myself. But to throw some sort of advertisement video on YouTube with many tags to get caught up in video searches, would it help boost playercount at all? (It would be in HD format as well)

Your thoughts. :confused:

Crono 07-22-2009 12:01 AM

Have fun.

cbk1994 07-22-2009 12:02 AM

I don't think it would help much, but no one is going to stop you if you want to try.

Cubes 07-22-2009 12:05 AM

put 'SEX, BOOB, HOT GIRL, WORLD OF WARCRAFT, ect,ect,ect' as the tags for views++.

Crono1508 07-22-2009 01:39 AM


Originally Posted by Cubes (Post 1509272)
put 'SEX, BOOB, HOT GIRL, WORLD OF WARCRAFT, ect,ect,ect' as the tags for views++.

Yeah I know.

Scary_Sock 07-22-2009 03:04 AM

I would help

Unkownsoldier 07-22-2009 03:20 AM

You wouldn't be the first to try this, I hope you actually have good video editing technology so you can make a good quality commercial, otherwise, it isn't even worth the bother.

TSAdmin 07-22-2009 03:59 AM


Originally Posted by Unkownsoldier (Post 1509321)
I hope you actually have good video editing technology so you can make a good quality commercial, otherwise, it isn't even worth the bother.

^ Pretty much this.

Many people have tried and you could sit there and pick it to pieces for ages. Whether it's the fact that there was a spelling error in their poor-quality Windows Movie Maker (not that there's anything wrong with this program, just the user's inexperience) video text entry, or lack of "WOOOOW" factor to impact the viewer, there hasn't been a very successful advert.

I openly welcome attempts in every form though. If it's good enough, it could grab the attention of the Managing Directors and they may want to use it. Think about how many things they've called upon the community to have a go at (Including a call-out for people to have a go at making a new website layout). So I definitely welcome it.

Rufus 07-22-2009 04:24 AM


Originally Posted by TSAdmin (Post 1509329)
Think about how many things they've called upon the community to have a go at (Including a call-out for people to have a go at making a new website layout).

They have?

Crono 07-22-2009 04:25 AM


Originally Posted by TSAdmin (Post 1509329)
Think about how many things they've called upon the community to have a go at (Including a call-out for people to have a go at making a new website layout).

Like managing the game? ^__________________________^

TSAdmin 07-22-2009 04:47 AM


Originally Posted by Rufus (Post 1509335)
They have?

Well, sending a "call-out" might be pressing my own words a little there. It was more like "If someone can come up with something, we'd like to see it". A post, or thread, Stefan made when people started complaining about the current layout of the GraalOnline website. Quite a few people took to the idea and put their hands up, but I honestly don't remember seeing many being brought forward. At least not to the forums.

Scary_Sock 07-22-2009 04:48 AM

You can easily get good editing software from just "Youtube"ing it. I can help out with this project if you need any. I wish you the best of luck if you try to do it yourself, which I doubt.

Rufus 07-22-2009 04:55 AM


Originally Posted by TSAdmin (Post 1509343)
Well, sending a "call-out" might be pressing my own words a little there. It was more like "If someone can come up with something, we'd like to see it". A post, or thread, Stefan made when people started complaining about the current layout of the GraalOnline website. Quite a few people took to the idea and put their hands up, but I honestly don't remember seeing many being brought forward. At least not to the forums.

I think you're confusing Stefan with HoudiniMan. If Stefan had posted something like that I can guarantee that some people would have at least attempted it.

cbk1994 07-22-2009 05:00 AM


Originally Posted by Scary_Sock (Post 1509344)
You can easily get good editing software from just "Youtube"ing it. I can help out with this project if you need any. I wish you the best of luck if you try to do it yourself, which I doubt.

The software isn't the problem, it's the person doing the editing. Not very many people are good at video editing that play Graal.

TSAdmin 07-22-2009 05:36 AM


Originally Posted by Rufus (Post 1509346)
I think you're confusing Stefan with HoudiniMan. If Stefan had posted something like that I can guarantee that some people would have at least attempted it.

In absolute honesty, you may very well be right. I didn't use the search feature of the forums to confirm my statement as I was sure it was Stefan, but it may very well have been HoudiniMan and not Stefan, even though I am still rather convinced Stefan at the least made comment 'for' the opportunity.

At any rate, advertising is something the Business Director doesn't seem to be taking on board as something to focus on, so I still support the idea that if someone could present something professional, yet intriguing, while not riddling the footage with errors (Both technically and grammatically/spelling), I do believe it's worth a shot.

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