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unixmad 08-07-2002 05:40 PM

Bile Soul Eaters, Harbingers of Death, Nameless Lords of the Tomb

Description: Bile fire vuln/path_denied make them very unattractive at first glance. The question is: Will the combo of "black/red death" and disease-immu make up for that? Anyway, at low levels Bile will be hard to play yet.

Name of the enemy god: Brigid

Attacktype(s): Drain, Depletion, Death, Life Stealing
Resistance(s): Fear +100, Drain +100, Depletion +100, Death +100, Poison +30
Vulnerable: Fire -30
Attuned: Death, Wounding
Repelled: Protection, Restoration, Light
Denied: Fire, Turning (As of yet, fire is NOT denied)
Special: Immune Diseases, Health_Regen -1, Sustenance +100, Infravision

Granted Spell(s): Nightfall (medium level), Finger of Death (medium level), Face of Death (medium level), Cause Many Wounds (medium level), Cause Red Death (medium level), Cause Black Death (high level) Nightfall, Finger of Death and Face of Death do not work although they are attainable
Altar Effect(s): Enchant Weapon (medium)
Holy Relic(s): n/a
Avatar: 1x1, 350 hp, ac -12 wc -1 dam 50 armour 0 Attack Type: Cold

Ever-free 08-07-2002 06:19 PM

Haha, bile. Gross. :)

ChocoboGrn 08-07-2002 11:09 PM

Wow! Sustenace +100 means you'll probably have to eat once a week... O_O

DragonX2 08-08-2002 03:20 PM

I am going with Bile!

Hiker 08-12-2002 05:23 AM

I changed to this god. Really awesome. :)

Androk2k1 08-13-2002 11:04 PM

Where is he? WHERE? On map, where? TELL ME!

ldhfd 08-13-2002 11:08 PM


Originally posted by Androk2k1
Where is he? WHERE? On map, where? TELL ME!
look on the mini's left of the snow moutain near the blue fish icon

screen_name 08-17-2002 04:14 PM

I love Bile now!!

Apparently you lose 1 hunger point in 10 minutes.

I have 850 hunger points right now, that means I can play for approx. 141 hours without dying of starvation. And when I do need food, 1 water will keep me going for 50 minutes!!!!


brock128 08-17-2002 09:16 PM

Bile's balance will show when more stuff is released. His avatar SUCKS.

LordZen 08-31-2002 10:40 AM

How do you use the listed attacktypes?

What is the special: Infravision?

Most importantly, what does it mean by "Granted Spell(s)"? Does this mean that I can only use those spells if I worship this particular god? Thanks.

FFusion 08-31-2002 11:33 AM

gods aren't fully implemented yet.

LordZen 09-01-2002 12:51 AM

yah I know, I was sorta hoping somebody who knew what those things would be used for would answer. I dont want to spend plat on a spell and find out later that I will no longer be able to use it.

anUk 10-12-2002 12:23 AM

What are the relics and stuff, like the spell decsriptons and what not

ReaperJ 10-21-2002 02:36 AM

Just wondering, is ther any sort of order you get this stuff in?

ZazenP2P 12-04-2002 08:12 AM

Uhh... What exactly IS an Avatar? And I'm a thief, name's Basara, and I think that Bile is the best for non spell casting peoples. Staff will shake their heads and say that Bile isn't the best, but as of right now I believe he is.

If they ever had Aengar, he'd be the best for Archer-types which is pretty much me, but they neglected to put him on the map or he's just the only God I have yet found.

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