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Skyld 06-09-2006 08:39 PM

MSVCR80.DLL Errors
A frequently reported problem with Graal 4 for Windows is a bug with a file called "MSVCR80.DLL". Graal 4 may complain that it does not exist, or that there are missing symbols.

We are aware of this problem. It isn't Graal-related, but can be caused by installation of programs such as Windows Defender or other Microsoft products that used a modified version of the DLL.

Reinstall or uninstall Windows Defender. It currently messes up the Windows files, and is still in beta.

If you don't want to do that, the most common fix is to place the file, downloaded from, into your Graal folder.
If this does not work, it is possible that replacing the version in your system folder (%WINDIR%\system32) will also work; however, this may cause certain applications to malfunction. Replacing the version in your system folder is entirely at your own risk.

Please only post a bug report thread about MSVCR80.DLL if the mentioned methods here do not work. Thank you.

myth-simba 06-18-2006 04:02 PM

Any other methods?
is uninstalling windows defender.. would that work?

sigh...whats the point in bringing a new graal version out anyways.. Gk going to hell in anyways..
its the players that make the game not the npcs..

I like windows defender and i'm not risking it with the system files thing.

any other ways for this to work?

ApothiX 06-18-2006 09:53 PM

Why doesn't Graal just distribute a copy of the DLL in the Graal Folder as opposed to using the one in the system folder?

Questa 06-28-2006 05:26 AM

Hmm... Maybe Stefan can fix Graal so it doesn't break when another program is installed? Maybe?

Admins 06-28-2006 10:40 AM

Skyld I have updated your post, since downloading that dll from somewhere is not helping in 99% of the cases. It is clearly Windows Defender which is messing up the Windows files (dlls).

Questa: it is not Graal breaking, it is Windows Defender breaking the Windows files, and Graal for Windows is requiring Windows somehow...
Apothix: Graal doesn't require the file, Windows is requiring a fixed version of the file, not Graal.

ZeLpH_MyStiK 07-13-2006 04:34 PM


Originally Posted by Stefan
Skyld I have updated your post, since downloading that dll from somewhere is not helping in 99% of the cases. It is clearly Windows Defender which is messing up the Windows files (dlls).

Questa: it is not Graal breaking, it is Windows Defender breaking the Windows files, and Graal for Windows is requiring Windows somehow...
Apothix: Graal doesn't require the file, Windows is requiring a fixed version of the file, not Graal.

It's not exactly Windows Defender breaking the windows files, more like Windows Defender is now using a "side by side" version to deal with dll hell problems (or so I read somewhere). Supposedly the new msvcr80.dll makes use of .manifest files while the old one didn't. Someone had a solution that didn't require the uninstallation of Microsoft Defender on a SoG forum:
Maybe we can adapt this to Graal?
Currently I have no problems running Graal, except on RC2 when I try to open a file from filebrowser by double-clicking on it, it gives me that msvcr80.dll not installed error and shuts down RC2.

Admins 07-15-2006 04:11 PM

The dlls are bugged, no matter how you look at the thing. You would need to tell to Windows to use the new msvcr80.dll instead of the old one for each program you want to start, it is easier to just uninstall WindowsDefender and install a good spy-ware removal tool I guess. If we include that manifest to Graal then it will not work on machines that don't have the new dll version.
(still good to know more about why WindowsDefender is breaking it, I hope they can fix that problem sometime or just link their program statically)

Questa 07-15-2006 10:18 PM

Uninstalling Windows Defender does nothing :(

ZeLpH_MyStiK 07-16-2006 05:54 PM


Originally Posted by Stefan
The dlls are bugged, no matter how you look at the thing. You would need to tell to Windows to use the new msvcr80.dll instead of the old one for each program you want to start, it is easier to just uninstall WindowsDefender and install a good spy-ware removal tool I guess. If we include that manifest to Graal then it will not work on machines that don't have the new dll version.
(still good to know more about why WindowsDefender is breaking it, I hope they can fix that problem sometime or just link their program statically)

It would be nice to have Graal to come with a manifest patch in the download menu of Graal v4 for those that have WindowsDefender installed.

Admins 07-17-2006 01:23 AM


Originally Posted by ZeLpH_MyStiK
It would be nice to have Graal to come with a manifest patch in the download menu of Graal v4 for those that have WindowsDefender installed.

Windows Defender is messing up system libraries so that they link to the wrong libraries and can't find them anymore.
If there would be an easy way to handle that problem without Microsoft fixing their program then it would be welcome, but like I said before we can't fix Windows.
On the messed up system you would need to know the good dll version (of Windows Defender), generate a manifest for the program you want to start. You can't make that automatic since the program you would write for that would have the same linking problem. And like you said before, even if you do all that work manually, you would still have problems executing other programs (e.g. for updating the Graal4.exe).

CrimzonZero 07-28-2006 04:34 AM

ok no matter what i try nothing works... I do not have windows defender on my computer either which is why I can not try half of the things being said...

Admins 07-28-2006 11:28 AM

Somehow your windows dlls must be messed up, eventually reinstalling .Net might help.

CrimzonZero 07-28-2006 06:22 PM

ok I reinstalled .net first thing I tried... I think I am going to uninstall then reinstall them agian

EDIT: ok this is funny I just finished uninstalling them... then reset the computer... went on windows update installed the .net stuff from there...

now for some unknown reason windows defender is on my computer... is that part of one of the windows updates???

I don't ever remember installing that before since I do not have many things in my add/remove programs... I did a format about a month ago so I am not sure whats going on... hmm maybe this is whats causeing several other errors in a couple other games T_T just not the same dll XD

I wish I had known it was installed in the first place maybe it just was not showing up in the uninstall list... or I am just an idiot either one could be true XD

final edit: ok i found how it got installed since it tried to reinstall... I had a cd labled updates that I used and I went through it to make sure they were all installed since the format... and windows defender was one of them... I feel really stupid since I did not notice it before. the cd has updates to lots of programs and my virus software/spyware stuff... oh well sorry for bothering you XD

Rapidwolve 07-28-2006 07:59 PM

What I did was google the file, download it, and put it in the windows folder. Then I disabled windows defender, took the other dll that was messing up graal, and put it back and turned on windows defender and it workd :P

CrimzonZero 07-28-2006 10:17 PM

eh when last I tried upgrading the processor/motherboard on the computer alot of stuff just quit working... Random Games / Programs like microsoft outlook/mozilla firefox just quit working... so I went online finding all the updates I could to get as much working as possible... I had to get videocard drivers from the group that makes omega drivers for nvidia because the normal nvidia drivers crashed 90% of any game I would run including graal... so I guess I should not have upgraded my pc afterall XD

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