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DustyPorViva 11-01-2009 07:59 AM

Divided economies?
I don't play servers much, but I have noticed this a bit on some servers. Some more than others, at least.

There tends to be two economies formed on a server: a standard economy(rupees, for example), and a event economy(event coints).


On servers like UN the standard economy is horribly thrown on the back-burner, to the point it serves absolutely no purpose. All attention is paid to the event economy. All items are sold for event coins, especially the 'good' ones. I saw this happening on Classic before it was shut down as well, and it probably is creeping around on other servers, too. And this annoys me. Why? Because even though servers like UN have disabled bush drops and enabled jobs, the jobs are pointless. Nothing is sold for standard money except for refills and a few worthless items that pale in comparison to 'event items'. The only way to worm your way into the 'real' economy is to play events? Now I think people should be awarded for their effort in events, but should people who don't play events end up being totally excluded from being able to really experience the server? I tend to not like events that much so I have no way to really buy anything. I can mine all the rocks, and chop all the trees on the server a million times over and what do I get for it? Nothing at all. I can't even buy a hat.

I don't mind when players build an economy around events, as players can do whatever they want. I just don't like the idea that servers seem to only release things for those who play events and totally neglect anyone who doesn't. Especially because like I mentioned earlier, you don't have to just go slashing bushes to get money now, why have a divided economy? Wouldn't rupees be just as valuable(assuming of course the server dropped event coins and reinstated rupees as the norm)? Isn't it fair that a person who chops 200 trees and gains 500 rupees is rewarded just the same for someone who wins a CTF and gains 500 rupees?

Just throwing out ideas because it seems like something that has really taken a hold on many Graal servers and it just doesn't seem to sit well with me.

xXziroXx 11-01-2009 03:32 PM

This was starting to happen in '05 before Maloria went off the Classic list as well. I actually blame individual staff for it though, that wanted to add more and more items of their own to the game, which resulted in chaos.

I don't see a problem in having both "rupees" and event coins though, as long as event coins are only used for trivial items and rupees for everything else.

Dragonosteel 11-01-2009 06:31 PM

Great thread. UN's economy is completely shot.

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