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cyan3 09-11-2009 08:23 PM

FAQ Applications 2
Because the last application was expecting a little to much I've made a new one.

We are looking for applicants that excel with knowledge and understanding of Graal Kingdoms and are well respected by the Graal Kingdoms community. Applicants must have little to no history of trouble making (I will check ban history of every applicant) and have good interpersonal skills such as communication and team work.

Questions to be answered
  • Nickname
  • Online time
  • Do you have a gold subscription?
  • Why do you want the position?
  • Why would you be the best person for the position?
  • Do you have any relevant experience with FAQ work?
  • Additional information you'd like us to know
  • References from kingdom leaders, gk staff members, or managers/admins of other server may help but are not required.
Please post all applications in this thread or to me via forum pm if you don't want your application to be public.

-FAQ Admin
Felix Lionheart

EricCartman 09-13-2009 01:59 AM

Nickname : Loomis Knoble
Online time : 1392 hrs

Do you have a gold subscription?

Why do you want the position?
I spend a lot of time on GK and I would like to help out with anything that can benefit GK in the future.

Why would you be the best person for the position?
I have extensive knowledge of not only GK but all of Graal as well that could really help new players. I'm also on a very long period of time each day and would be willing to help during that time.

Do you have any relevant experience with FAQ work?
I pose as an FAQ when there's none on GK and I have also been FAQ on UN, Aeon, Maloria, and other servers.

Additional information you'd like us to know :
I enjoy helping other people on GK :/.
I am online mostly every day. On weekdays I'm on about 3-6 hours and on weekends I'm online around 13 hours.

References from kingdom leaders, gk staff members, or managers/admins of other server may help but are not required.
Pojo Cypher : Kia345
Chaos Orc : chaosorc
Iscariot Strongbeard : Iscariot_p2p
Cell Zakuto : smokeraider
Naithaniel Lionheart : Gothika
Napo : Napo_p2p

unholy_legend 09-27-2009 09:22 PM

Online time
890 hours
Do you have a gold subscription?
Why do you want the position?
Helping people is one of the things i love to do in my spare time. People are always asking me to help them and if i can i will do.
Why would you be the best person for the position?
I have lots of knowledge on Graal Kingdoms seeing as i have played with multiple accounts in the past along with this account.
Do you have any relevant experience with FAQ work?
None at all

Additional information you'd like us to know
References from:

References from kingdom leaders, gk staff members, or managers/admins of other server may help but are not required.

Slade0Hiro 09-27-2009 09:52 PM

* Nickname: Slade Hiro

* Online time: 2714 hrs 22 mins 14secs

* Do you have a gold subscription? yes

* Why do you want the position? it would give me something to do and i like helping people that want it

* Why would you be the best person for the position? i dont know o.O; i know about graal kingdoms and i've been playing for a while

* Do you have any relevant experience with FAQ work? nope

* Additional information you'd like us to know im on a fair bit and wiling to help people if they need it :o

* References: Cell? :o

smokeraider 09-27-2009 10:56 PM

hey i see that i reffered everyone here? that aint true

the only one im reffering is unholy_legend, becouse he asked me personaly.

to the rest Sorry.

cyan3 09-28-2009 01:01 AM


Originally Posted by Slade0Hiro (Post 1525478)
* References: Cell? :o


Originally Posted by smokeraider (Post 1525495)
hey i see that i reffered everyone here? that aint true

the only one im reffering is unholy_legend, becouse he asked me personaly.

to the rest Sorry.

Yes, it would be a good idea to talk to the people you are using as references before you submit any applications.

BigBear3 09-28-2009 01:14 AM

I would like to refer Slade. I can attest to his vast knowledge on GK, as well as his long, long experience as a player. He's also always online.

MagikMasterMind 09-28-2009 01:36 AM

Good luck everyone!! :]

kia345 09-28-2009 01:43 AM

I'll be one of Slade's references, he's a pretty cool and smart dude

cyan3 09-28-2009 11:53 AM

Thank you for the applications and references. I will review the applications and inform the applicants when I come to a decision.

cyan3 10-08-2009 09:10 PM

Congratulations to and welcome to Slade the newest addition to the FAQ Team.

Applications will continue very soon.

Seeya 11-16-2009 09:59 PM

Faq app
Nickname :
KY (Kale Ysenko)

Online Time:
1100 HR's

Yes, and 5000 gelats left.

I want the position to help new players out, as i would anyway, but with a legit tag. It would help me in helping new players, and i'm very active in doing such.

Best Choice:
I feel that i'm the best choice, because we need more FAQ. The only current active FAQ is John. Slade, and whoever else, havent been on in weeks. We need a fresh FAQ team, and we need it soon.

I was FAQ Admin on two of the hosted servers, Graal Legacy and Endora. Though that doesent say much, i wasnt fired - the servers were removed from hosted and no longer needed non-dev. It shows i can handle the tag, and whatever (if any) power that comes with the tag.

Additional Information:
I'm very active, and i'd really like to be FAQ on GK. It'd give me something to do, i have proper grammar, and i'd help a lot of new players out.
I'd rather speak to you in person about any additional information, because this doesent get to the specifics you actually want to know.

I could probably get some, but i'm not going to name anyone i'm not certain of.

TheJames 11-16-2009 11:40 PM

Nickname : TheJames
Online time : 1023 hrs

Do you have a gold subscription?
Yes. Always :]

Why do you want the position?
I find alot of beginners always asking questions and being ignored. I remember when I first began, and a little help went a far way. I enjoy helping beginners and getting them on the right path... far to many people quit because of them not knowing what to do.

Why would you be the best person for the position?
I have extensive knowledge of not only GK but all of Graal as well that could really help new players. I'm also on a very long period of time each day and would be willing to help during that time.

Do you have any relevant experience with FAQ work?
I pose as an FAQ when there's none on GK. Aswell i've Managed my server called Atrius and dealt with 40+ players PM'ing me constantly.

Additional information you'd like us to know :
I love seeing beginners being happy and actually wanting to continue on GK.

I am online mostly every day. I don't play any other servers, so all my time is dedicated to GK. Aswell im not employed and im out of high school. Alot of time >_<

References from kingdom leaders, gk staff members, or managers/admins of other server may help but are not required.


and im sure alot more people would vouge for me.

mattdapimp 03-25-2010 02:35 AM

* Nickname: Jin Chill

* Online time: 1000 Hours ATM

* Do you have a gold subscription?: Yes, and always do.

* Why do you want the position?: I would like the position, because I'm very active and spend most of my time in Bomboria Trade, chatting/idling. I feel that me helping new people would give me something new to do.

* Why would you be the best person for the position?: I would be the best person for the position, because I'm very active like i stated above. Also i have very good experience with helping players with anything they need. I believe I'd make a great addition to the current FAQ roster.

* Do you have any relevant experience with FAQ work?: Yes, I've been FAQ on Delteria, Babylon (Back in the Day.) I was also a PR/GP on Zodiac, which means i handled both questions and complaints/people breaking rules.

* Additional information you'd like us to know: Anything else you need to know, feel free to speak to me in game or in a private message.

* References from kingdom leaders, gk staff members, or managers/admins of other server may help but are not required.

-Morgan (She was my chief when i was GP/PR on Zodiac)

-I'm sure there's more people, but i wouldn't want to put their name down till i was sure i could use them as a reference.

amm140 08-08-2010 10:21 PM


Online time
304 hours

Do you have a gold subscription?

Why do you want the position?
To Help People Out Durring The Game and tell them wat is and were is wat

Why would you be the best person for the position?
I am super active i am friendly and i never say no to anything

Do you have any relevant experience with FAQ work?

Additional information you'd like us to know
References from kingdom leaders, gk staff members, or managers/admins of other server may help but are not required.
none :)

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