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IzariusRyudo 03-01-2018 02:03 PM

Mafia Life - 2018
I got Mafia Life back up and running. If you're interested in joining the team, please visit the playerworld first. All positions available. If you want more information on what ML is today, please contact me. Though, maybe doing a revamp of the concept to better fit today's standards.

You can contact me on forums, discord, or ingame RC.

IzariusRyudo 03-01-2018 10:15 PM

Here was the old forum post information, that is subject to change and be revamped.

Now, for those of you who don't know what Mafia Life is, let me use this time now, to inform you.

ML is a server based in the 1930s, where you start the game in a city called Clear Water, it's a small oceanside city, with a nice port. Here you will learn the ways of the game, because it's our tutorial city. When finished in this island, you are sent to the main Gmap, we have not picked out a name yet, since we're probably going to do some sort of event, for players to pick the name.

This is where explaining the server gets hard, because of how much detail I can go into, and how much I should keep a secret, so I'll touch a couple spots.

These will be known as Families. Now, anyone can create a family, the only requirments are, to have atleast 2 other friends, in making the Family. On making a family, you will gain 100 Respect, per family member. Say 3 of you create a family, you now have 300 respect. Every Kill a member of you family gets +Respect, every death takes away from your respect. This will show whos family is powerful, it will also play a role on how much properties pay you, when you collect.

You know how Mafias did it in the old days? Where they had to "Collect" from the store owners, and residents of their streets? Oh yeah, in ML you can collect from every buildings in the server. What this means is, you can "control" buildings. Take over different ones, gain profits through fear. But remember, any other family can come right in, and take it. So defend everything you own.

Residents: Say you're a Don of a family. You can capture Estates. In these estates you have a certain ammount of rooms, depending the size of the estate. Now, as the Don, you can Assign different rooms, to your members. Once a member has their room, they can lock/unlock it as they choose, and fully customize it. Swing by the local furniture store, and buy from a ton of different styles, and sizes of furniture. But again, remember, any family can come and try to take your property.

"Seiging" And how it works:
In Mafia life, there are three different kinds of buildings, or classes of buildings.

1. Nodes (I call them Nodes, I don't know an actual name for them yet)Nodes are the smallest of the buildings, and are able to be captured 24/7, by any family. A node for example can be a Warehouse, when you own this warehouse, it may give your family small perks, while under your control. Now to defend it from any attackers is pretty simple. When an Attacker enters your property of your Node, you will be notified, and so will the rest of your family.
While the attacker is in the base, a timer is counting down, to the Attackers side Capture point, when the Defender enters the building, the timer then stops, for the shootout. Depending on the victor, decides which way the timer goes, if the defenders are victorious, the timer slowly goes the other way, back to where it started, and continues if the attackers win.

2. Business:
A Business is a new style of ownership. When you own a business, you collect a decent ammount of money off of this property, for your family. Every family member gets a discount from this store, and the best part is, you can "Upgrade" the store. In this process, you spend family money, to give it upgrades, like another gunrack to sell a new gun. Now, to seige this from an enemy, is a little different from the Nodes.
Say you are the attacker this time. You go to the Business, and you lay seige, this will give the enemy a warning period, before the seige starts. When the warning period is over, the seige begins. Same way as the nodes are taken, you enter the building, and start the shootout. Whoever gets the timer, to the favoring side first, wins control of the business. There will be cooldowns on seiging the same business. For fairness reasons.

Last, but not least. Estates:
Estates will be taken over, the same way with the Business, but the warning period is a little longer. But a bonus to this, is when you lay seige to a Estate, the vault is then locked within the estate, so no money can be taken, or added. If the attacker is victorious, he wins the money within the vault, along with the estate itself.

I've already said a lot, but I do want to touch one other subject, which I think you guys will find interesting. We like to focus this server, around the players. So we added a very fun feature, to our server. You may know them as "Party Quests" We know them as "Orginized Crime"
now I'm not going into detail with this, but I'll give you a hint. You're the Don of your family, and you see the Cities Bank. Perform a heist my friends.

Anyway, this is little of what we have in store for you, in our new server. If you are a talented player, looking for some real work, here it is.

*NOTE: We also will be taking "Ideas" from you guys, the players. So if you have any 1930s/MafiaStyle idea you want to submit, please post it on our discord.
Please put as much detail into your idea as possible, because if we were to add it to our server, we don't want it to be wrong. Thanks guys for all of your support!

Thank you,
Mafia Life Staff

Mafia Life, live the life.

Crow 03-03-2018 12:08 PM

Oh god..

IzariusRyudo 03-03-2018 01:49 PM


Originally Posted by Crow (Post 1742182)
Oh god..

pogchamp, lets go.

Kamaeru 03-03-2018 07:12 PM

Looks a lot funner than iclassic. Good luck.

DustyPorViva 03-05-2018 10:10 PM

Looks a lot funner than Bomy Island. Good luck.

IzariusRyudo 03-06-2018 01:30 AM


Originally Posted by DustyPorViva (Post 1742188)
Looks a lot funner than Bomy Island. Good luck.

Thanks Dusty :D

kittygirl765 03-06-2018 07:13 AM


Originally Posted by IzariusRyudo (Post 1742180)
*NOTE: We also will be taking "Ideas" from you guys, the players. So if you have any 1930s/MafiaStyle idea you want to submit, please post it on our

Have a T-shirt shop so we can sell T-shirts to little guidos and little guiddettes. There will be so much potential.
(Sorry I got that from Jersey Shore... I don't have any 1930s theme in me)

IzariusRyudo 03-06-2018 02:01 PM


Originally Posted by kittygirl765 (Post 1742191)
Have a T-shirt shop so we can sell T-shirts to little guidos and little guiddettes. There will be so much potential.
(Sorry I got that from Jersey Shore... I don't have any 1930s theme in me)


kittygirl765 03-09-2018 11:15 PM


Originally Posted by IzariusRyudo (Post 1742192)

Oh that's fast! Screenshots screenshots :) !

Do you script all these systems for you playerworld too, like "collecting" from store owners?

maximus_asinus 03-14-2018 09:20 PM

When is Graalians opening back up Dusty?

MysticalDragon 03-15-2018 12:38 AM


Originally Posted by maximus_asinus (Post 1742212)
When is Graalians opening back up Dusty?

Soon hopefully, its under going change in staff.

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