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cbk1994 11-29-2007 02:04 AM

Universal Graal v5 for Mac
How long? Last I heard it would be very soon, but that was like 6 months ago. As far as I know it's not even started :( The scripted RC was a step in the right direction for Graal for Mac, but there's no use if it doesn't run well enough to use.

Chris Zakuto

Kristi 11-29-2007 08:54 AM


Originally Posted by cbkbud (Post 1361137)
How long? Last I heard it would be very soon, but that was like 6 months ago. As far as I know it's not even started :( The scripted RC was a step in the right direction for Graal for Mac, but there's no use if it doesn't run well enough to use.

Chris Zakuto

If RC is your issue, you can always use crossover for mac (not free i think) or darwine (wine [windows emulator] for darwin, is free) and run the rc. You need an intel mac but it works

Darklux 11-29-2007 01:02 PM

I think he is talkin about gettin it to run on an powerpc based mac.

cbk1994 11-29-2007 01:39 PM

It runs on PowerPC (WAY outdated).

It runs on Intel, but it runs SO slowly, and crashes so much, it's impossible to play.

As for software like Crossover, VMware Fusion, and Paralells, I have tried all of those, and none of them work with Graal (DirectX problems).

I would actually move to Mac if an online tile editor was released, and a certain feautre to client RC was added.

napo_p2p 11-29-2007 09:38 PM


Originally Posted by cbkbud (Post 1361224)
As for software like Crossover, VMware Fusion, and Paralells, I have tried all of those, and none of them work with Graal (DirectX problems).

You could use the windows emulator just for RC and the level editor. There shouldn't be any DirectX issues with those.

Anytime I'm on Linux, I'm able to get the level editor to work with Wine.

Skyld 11-29-2007 09:48 PM

The problem is that Cyberjoueurs do not currently have an Intel Mac to compile a Universal (or Intel) binary on, and they won't just hand out the source code for others to compile it. I guess eventually there will be a Universal binary, just not yet.

cbk1994 11-29-2007 10:51 PM


Originally Posted by Skyld (Post 1361298)
The problem is that Cyberjoueurs do not currently have an Intel Mac to compile a Universal (or Intel) binary on, and they won't just hand out the source code for others to compile it. I guess eventually there will be a Universal binary, just not yet.

I've heard that excuse before. They need to get one. Plain and simple. Get one.

If they're saying cost is a problem, then get one and run Windows on it! If you get a MacBook for $1k, then you also get Windows virtually free! And linux! Kill THREE stones with $1000 instead of around $3000 to buy 3 separate computers.

I'm really sick of them putting off Mac, and they keep showing some weird statistic that like 99% of people use Windows to play Graal ... which is because it's nearly impossible to play Graal on a Mac, especially an Intel one. I'll tape a video and show what Graal is like on my Intel mac and then post it.

Skyld 11-30-2007 03:10 PM


Originally Posted by cbkbud (Post 1361305)
I've heard that excuse before. They need to get one. Plain and simple. Get one.


The angst won't help anything.

It's not as simple as just to "go out and buy one"; Cyberjoueurs have a budget, and they have expenditures already. I'm sure I don't need to explain the model of a business to you further than that.

cbk1994 11-30-2007 11:27 PM


Originally Posted by Skyld (Post 1361445)
The angst won't help anything.

It's not as simple as just to "go out and buy one"; Cyberjoueurs have a budget, and they have expenditures already. I'm sure I don't need to explain the model of a business to you further than that.

I can understand that. However, they do need to realize that they either need to make a decent Mac client, or just not expect people to use it.

If they released an Intel Mac version of Graal, I would renew all of my subscriptions. Currently I only have one for playerworlds (developing), but I'd play GK, etc again if I could.

Maybe they could make friends with some of the nice people down at Apple HQ? Slip the gal at the Genius Bar a $20 (I guess they probably don't have too many of those in France?)

Novo 12-02-2007 01:34 AM


Originally Posted by cbkbud (Post 1361520)
I can understand that. However, they do need to realize that they either need to make a decent Mac client, or just not expect people to use it.

If they released an Intel Mac version of Graal, I would renew all of my subscriptions. Currently I only have one for playerworlds (developing), but I'd play GK, etc again if I could.

Maybe they could make friends with some of the nice people down at Apple HQ? Slip the gal at the Genius Bar a $20 (I guess they probably don't have too many of those in France?)

Or... Dual-boot into windows and play Graal. :) You need to realize... Blah Blah Blah... Blah Blah... Or you could infiltrate Cyb... Blah Blah Blah... compile it yo... ... ...

Twinny 12-02-2007 02:49 AM

I demand Graal for my z/OS system because I deserve it, dammit!


cbk1994 12-02-2007 04:49 AM


Originally Posted by Twinny (Post 1361711)
I demand Graal for my z/OS system because I deserve it, dammit!


Improper HTML will get you no where.

You need to start with an opening tag before the closing tag ;)

Admins 02-20-2008 01:14 AM

News: Compiled a version for Intel Mac, runs fast :) Resizing of the window doesn't work yet (leopard problem?) but it should be fixed before the release of the next Graal version.

cbk1994 02-20-2008 01:28 AM


Originally Posted by Stefan (Post 1375803)
News: Compiled a version for Intel Mac, runs fast :) Resizing of the window doesn't work yet (leopard problem?) but it should be fixed before the release of the next Graal version.




Darklux 02-20-2008 01:00 PM

Ah finally. I have no mac, but its only fair as the windows version and linux version run quite decent :O

cbk1994 02-20-2008 11:24 PM

I have made a new signature image, just for Universal Graal :)

Tracker180 02-21-2008 12:03 AM i just need an intel processor...

PaperMario 02-21-2008 03:56 AM

Always with the Intel Macs you developers are interested in.

Well done however :)

cbk1994 02-21-2008 04:03 AM


Originally Posted by PaperMario (Post 1375993)
Always with the Intel Macs you developers are interested in.

Well done however :)

I have tried it out, and it is amazingly fast. I've only noticed like 1-2 bugs so far.

PaperMario 02-21-2008 04:06 AM

You should post them :D, because I have a Mac myself.

cbk1994 02-21-2008 04:16 AM


Originally Posted by PaperMario (Post 1376000)
You should post them :D, because I have a Mac myself.

I sent Stefan a few bugs I found. I've noticed many other smaller bugs aswell.

A few:
-Monster at login does not show up, just a moving shadow.
-Immediatley on login server, text at the top (subscription info and server info) overlaps.
-After video recording, Graal completely freezes. Focus flashes. Player cannot move. Cannot see others move. Have to restart Graal.
-On UN (havent tried other classic servers at all), the 'S', 'D', etc inside the red things in the top-left GUI does not show.
-The red tiles glitch is appearing again.
-ALT+2 is not taking screenshots, or the window is not coming up.
-The glitch where you keep walking a certain way seems to appear a lot, I'm not sure why. I can't find any way to repeatedly get it to happen.

That's all I've noticed so far. Basically a bunch of really small ones.

But like I said, it is extremely fast.

Also, when sitting on a seat in UN spar, you can hit 'S' and it will change your gani to idle for a moment, then back to sit. I have tried, and it does not actually hurt anyone.

PaperMario 02-21-2008 04:23 AM

Ooh, interesting - hopefully Stefan can fix all of these. Wait...

Hell, I know he can.

cbk1994 02-21-2008 04:28 AM


Originally Posted by PaperMario (Post 1376008)
Ooh, interesting - hopefully Stefan can fix all of these. Wait...

Hell, I know he can.

There are no huge ones, just little ones.

Also, noticed that the chat bar does not seem to have an outline. Just a red blob, no yellow outline or anything.

PaperMario 02-21-2008 04:34 AM

Blobs are awesome.

cbk1994 02-21-2008 04:38 AM


Originally Posted by PaperMario (Post 1376014)
Blobs are awesome.


Also, if you have an Intel Mac, you may try talking to Stefan. He told me something along the lines of if anyone is interested in bug testing, talk to him.

DustyPorViva 02-21-2008 04:44 AM


Originally Posted by cbkbud (Post 1376006)
-The glitch where you keep walking a certain way seems to appear a lot, I'm not sure why. I can't find any way to repeatedly get it to happen.

I don't think this is a problem with Graal. This happens to me occasionally in Graal and other games that use arrow movement. Simple tap the arrow of the direction you're stuck in to make it stop.

cbk1994 02-21-2008 04:45 AM


Originally Posted by DustyPorViva (Post 1376017)
I don't think this is a problem with Graal. This happens to me occasionally in Graal and other games that use arrow movement. Simple tap the arrow of the direction you're stuck in to make it stop.

Right, I am only commenting because I seem to be having this problem a lot more than usual.

Admins 02-21-2008 11:58 AM

Yes there seem to be some problems with Shift/Ctrl key stucking other keys.
The problem with the start screen and chat bar happens because I've not added the normal bundled files, if you copy the to a normal graal installation then it should be fine. Red tiles problem also confirmed.

cbk1994 02-21-2008 07:09 PM


Originally Posted by Stefan (Post 1376040)
Yes there seem to be some problems with Shift/Ctrl key stucking other keys.
The problem with the start screen and chat bar happens because I've not added the normal bundled files, if you copy the to a normal graal installation then it should be fine. Red tiles problem also confirmed.

Okay, moving it to the normal directory fixed those problems :)

Also, updated info on the taking movies glitch -- it appears not to erase the old screen for some reason. You can see it flashing between what it was when you stopped recording, and what it is now. If you go to another level, it will flash between that level & the level where you stopped recording. If you press ALT+2, it then updates it, so you see yourself where you were when you pressed it. Very strange glitch.

cbk1994 03-02-2008 06:28 AM

Here is my bug report for the external windows.

Graal for Mac (Intel) with External Windows Bug Report
Chris Zakuto (cbk1994)

1. Window titles do not show up in external windows.

2. In scripted RC, many times once you load a window once and then close it, it will never reappear. This also happens with the F2 window. Also, sometimes after a lot of opening/closing of playerlist, this will happen.

3. If you are scripting, if you click into client, then back into the scripting window and try to move around, etc there are some glitches. It may show your cursor at one position, but when you type, you are typing in a different position.

4. If you open the playerlist, you cannot close it by clicking F7 unless you click back into the client.

5. A lot of the time, you cannot right click in the playerlist. However, middle clicking (scroll button) acts as right click.

6. In playerlist, it will sometimes show a PM icon on the wrong player.

Hope this helps get rid of some bugs.

Admins 03-03-2008 01:00 AM

We've already fixed the window titles. I've also experienced the problem of windows not reopening once they are closed, will check that.

cbk1994 03-03-2008 01:37 AM


Originally Posted by Stefan (Post 1377640)
We've already fixed the window titles. I've also experienced the problem of windows not reopening once they are closed, will check that.

Okay, cool :D

Robin 05-06-2008 03:20 AM


Can I get a copy of that? :o

Also RC no longer runs under Wine. It depends on IMM32.DLL which is windows XP only and does not work with Wine native libraries.

cbk1994 05-06-2008 03:29 AM


Originally Posted by Robin (Post 1389243)

Can I get a copy of that? :o

Also RC no longer runs under Wine. It depends on IMM32.DLL which is windows XP only and does not work with Wine native libraries.

Talk to Stefan, I was told not to give it out of course.

zokemon 05-06-2008 05:40 AM

I think Stefan has enough testers for the new version.

Robin 05-06-2008 11:57 AM

What I really want is a native version of the RC.

Personally the scripted rc might be better if rendered on an external window but what's this I hear of file uploading not working properly @ filename case?

Also if you wanted to give me the protocol definition for rc/nc I could whip up an RC in Objective-C PDQ :P (NO, NOT RUBY I'M NOT LORIEL)

(PDQ = Pretty Darn Quick)

Skyld 05-06-2008 04:29 PM


Originally Posted by Robin (Post 1389285)
What I really want is a native version of the RC.

Personally the scripted rc might be better if rendered on an external window but what's this I hear of file uploading not working properly @ filename case?

Also if you wanted to give me the protocol definition for rc/nc I could whip up an RC in Objective-C PDQ :P (NO, NOT RUBY I'M NOT LORIEL)

(PDQ = Pretty Darn Quick)

The Scripted RC is already being rendered on external windows on Graal versions that support it. It is planned eventually to be able to use the Scripted RC without necessarily having a Graal window visible or open at all.

Robin 05-06-2008 05:51 PM

Does that windowblinds theme stuff still work with graal? might be interesting to see if that will work on os X :D

cbk1994 05-07-2008 01:11 AM


Originally Posted by Robin (Post 1389291)
Does that windowblinds theme stuff still work with graal? might be interesting to see if that will work on os X :D

I am pretty certain it does, though I haven't tried.

Admins 05-07-2008 01:49 AM

Yes the gui styles work fine in the new version, it can now display several gui styles (wba files) at once, so servers can mix styles if wanted.

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