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MysticalDragon 03-21-2011 01:31 AM

I think its awsome how graal has finally decided on a way to boost the player count. I Look foward of adding Delteria to facebook.

MattKan 03-21-2011 01:34 AM

What's this about Graal iPhone VIP subscription? Can you make it so you don't have to pay for it if you have an active subscription to Graal PC?

Zeross 03-21-2011 01:43 AM

This is fantastic, grand movements and strategic advancements... all seems positive to me.

papajchris 03-21-2011 01:47 AM

I find it quite humorous that Unixmad expect PC players to purchase heads. You are going to lose a great deal of old players that way. I do think moving to facebook was a good idea though, and it's a shame it took you years to finally read a post from the forums and realize "hey maybe pay to play isn't working out!"

Supaman771 03-21-2011 01:47 AM

Guess Event?
When was this.. o.O

Updates look promising, Graal is finally moving foward (aka ditching pc client for other things... again).
Dev tools and v6, can't wait for :3

TheGodAngelo 03-21-2011 01:48 AM


Originally Posted by oo_jazz_oo (Post 1637814)
"You're hard at work recreating the server? Oh, well, were just gonna release 4 identicle servers full of reused content. Kthxbai."
Unless of course you talked it over with the team at Classic...I somehow doubt that tho.

technically i've been a developer on iphone and pc classic as many of my graphics end up being stolen and ported over to iphone. or atleast that's what the comments and screenshots from my friend seem to indicate. Though i only joined the Pc classic team recently.

Astram 03-21-2011 01:52 AM

Since Graal will be a facebook app, I have a questions...

Does the app have a list of servers for players to play on, and ANYONE can register their server on the "facebook client" to have it appear on facebook?

Can you use facebook credits to buy gralats?


The iPhone VIP MemberShip, should include a user name and password for the player to log on to the facebook client using his current account, the VIP will get you a special hat, head, body, and a VIP area on the gmap. That should make the players happy.

I cant wait to see this!!! :D

MattKan 03-21-2011 01:59 AM

Suggestion: iPhone VIP Membership should be included with PC membership.

WaDaFack 03-21-2011 02:02 AM

Can't wait for the new Dev tools! :)

salesman 03-21-2011 02:07 AM


Originally Posted by unixmad (Post 1637747)
Yes it will be possible. The first step before thinking to go on iPhone/Android will be to switch to the new Free To Play rules we will introduce.

Also Mobile Phone are less powerful than PC so content need to be optimized. Stefan will introduce mobile phone development in the forthcoming weeks.

Will developers be able to get a fair share of the cash shop earnings?

Reese 03-21-2011 02:08 AM

Is there anyway to connect the two? So you can log on two different ways but still keep the way things are just pretty much adding a new log in way

DustyPorViva 03-21-2011 02:09 AM

New devs tools intrigues me A LOT. However, are they scripted in Graal or are they external like the old development tools?

Sinkler 03-21-2011 02:10 AM


Originally Posted by Rave_J (Post 1637867)
Well im done fighting I just feel like there ripping us off. i remember when stefan gave free servers out,classic status ect didnt care about the money. and now all i feel like he use us for is to get money for him thats it. Dev for graal use too be fun cuz it was u make things for players pc to enjoy but that was free graal ect now its buy a server ya u make ur own game but for them to make money off of it. Just dont make sense

Rave...besides the obvious difficulties you have with English language, I must say your argument isn't really strong. Just because things were different in the past doesn't mean that it's going to stay the same. Stefan and Unixmad (from their recent posts and changes) have shown they're planning on moving forward with Graal. What I think most people misunderstand is the fact that Cyberjouers is a For-Profit business, not a "lets make a free game" business. So yes Rave, their goals are money-oriented as they should be to be successful.

It really, really does make sense Rave....

Pimmeh 03-21-2011 02:15 AM

Hm, am I the only one who is kind of underwhelmed by the quality of updates from Unixmad? I feel like Eurocenter could at least use proper grammar.
No offense Unixmad, but Stefan seems to manage...

Soala 03-21-2011 02:18 AM


Originally Posted by Astram (Post 1637886)
Can you use facebook credits to buy gralats?

Sounds quite logic to me.

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