Graal Freeroam's Gmap has been opened up to the players today. For those who don't know what Graal Freeroam is , it is a Modern/RPG themed server. At this time we are not really going to go into detail on the features until we enter the Beta Stage. We are currently in the Alpha stage which means there are plenty of bugs left to be found/fixed and new features to be implemented. The reason we have opened up the Gmap is so that players can explore and get an idea of what Graal Freeroam is. Since we are in the alpha stage we don't have any plans to make anymore resets. So players are more than welcome to login and hangout if they wish.
All updates for this server can be found on our facebook page (, or In-Game by pressing N. If you have any questions, suggestions or concerns feel free to post them in this thread or contact us in-game.