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Conversation Between Nataxo and Gothika
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6
  1. Gothika
    05-06-2010 12:25 AM
    Thanks for the rep I'll try to rep you back when I can!
  2. Nataxo
    08-17-2009 05:15 PM
    kind of.
    It means that everytime something bad happens to you, then something good will happen after.

    Like your girlfriend breaks up with you (something bad) then a great job oportunity comes (good thing)

  3. Gothika
    08-17-2009 05:24 AM
    No hay mal que por bien no venga.. does that mean, every cloud has a silver lining? I always tough so but.. i dunno
  4. Gothika
    08-11-2009 01:29 AM
    tag! your it. AGAIN.
  5. Nataxo
    12-14-2008 07:59 PM
    Yeeey! Hey Gothika
  6. Gothika
    12-13-2008 12:06 PM
    Booo! hi Nat

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