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Conversation Between Nataxo and lardy227
Showing Visitor Messages 121 to 130 of 419
  1. Nataxo
    02-11-2010 06:43 AM
    Lol, I'm using itouch atm, my dad got our old computer but I'm too lazy to get it working, I wouldn't be able to play graal anyways, do I'll just wait for the weekend, my computer should be fixed by then
  2. lardy227
    02-10-2010 08:50 AM
    Ahk xd
    My computer exploded too but I'm using my old laptop now xd
  3. Nataxo
    02-10-2010 07:12 AM
    And you won't >;]

    haha yeah my computer sorta exploded, my dad is gonna get it fixed soon xD
  4. lardy227
    02-09-2010 07:09 AM
    I hasn't seen you in a while :o!
  5. lardy227
    02-05-2010 08:24 AM
    Look @ my new album lol
    Also haven't forum PM'd btw
  6. lardy227
    02-01-2010 04:21 AM
    You can forum PM me
    Also today I went airsofting and it was loltastic because half the time my friends were hanging out with the only girl there lol
  7. Nataxo
    01-31-2010 04:59 PM
    niceee. I'm gonna ...

    tell you in PM because I dont want anyone bashing me about what i was gonna say hehehe
  8. lardy227
    01-28-2010 06:13 AM
    I didn't do my driving test because I forgot half the paperwork and the line for people who already have an appointment was 3 hours! *high5*
    But I'm taking it exactly a month from now
  9. lardy227
    01-24-2010 09:04 PM
  10. Nataxo
    01-23-2010 10:01 PM
    just cheked, it'll be for the entire country

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