You can't bring back the old guilding atmosphere unless multiguilding is prohibited. That way, a player will join the guild that they think offers the most potential to them. A better shopping market. Guilds should also be separated into family guilds and nation guilds. Family guilds would have a cap of maybe 8-12 members, nation guilds would have a cap of 45-60. A player can only join one family guild and one nation guild, but perhaps they can wear their family guild and their nation guild tags at the same time. Lower restrictions for family guilds and heighten restrictions for nation guilds.
If people want to join any guild that enters their fancy, it destroys the atmosphere of guilding on Graal. Recently I readded the MoD Fort to Classic, and when I massed asking for ideas of how I should script who owns the fort, I received a severe lack of interest. Because almost everyone is multi-guilding, there is no sense of rivalry/alliance between guilds. Unless the modern global guild system can make some changes, the only way to regain the environment of the old guild system would be to make guilds local to server, but in doing that, it would discourage players coming to a server with only local guilds, or discourage competition between servers when people wouldn't want to leave their guild on the initial server.
Any other system is flawed because not many people would care about "free webspace" or things you can do globally, only advantages within the game, and with a global guild system, and with so many guilds, that would be impossible to accomplish. However, where the server that the guild plays on is listed, you could possibly give servers the option of giving the highest active guilds special NPCs. Other than that, no, I wouldn't care. Nobody cares and that's the problem.
With apathy all about, you can't stop it, but you can enforce against it.
You can't say prohibiting multi-guilding would be negative on the guild system, but without it, it would probably leave the most serious guilds that have higher standards of recruiting, so newbies would always be looking to start their own guild and join a guild. A new guild would have lower admission requirements as is expected, and etc. |