This has already been added some months ago but has not been mentioned yet:
wordfiltertext(text, type) - returns integer - filters text with the rules defined in wordfilter/rules.txt, second parameter is the text type (chat, pm, toall or nick), result is a combination of 1 (log) + 2 (tell admins) + 4 (replace) + 8 (warn) + 16 (jail) + 32 (ban); use getWordFilterNewText(), getWordFilterMessage() and getWordFilterMatches() for more information about the filtered text
getwordfiltermatches(int) - returns object - returns an array of words which matched the word filter after calling wordFilterText(), parameter is the maximum number of matches you want
getwordfiltermessage() - returns string - returns the warn message after calling wordFilterText()
getwordfilternewtext() - returns string - returns the new text generated by the word filter after calling wordFilterText()
Usage example:
PHP Code:
temp.filteresult = wordFilterText(, "chat");
if ((temp.filteresult & 1)!=0)
savelog2("cursinglog.txt", player.account @ " used rude words: " @ getWordFilterMatches(3));
if ((temp.filteresult & (8 + 16 + 32))!=0) = getWordFilterMessage();
else if ((temp.filteresult & 4)!=0) = getWordFilterNewText()