Originally Posted by Stefan
It's almost one year since we have released v6, time to proceed and disabling the old version. However there are still around 10% of players which use v5. Please tell us why you use v5:
- Because v5 looks better/different?
- Is v5 faster for you? Have you recently tried v6?
- Advancements like external PM windows are not a reason to switch?
- Playerlist on v5 feels nicer?
If v5 is released, the development staff including scripters can use more advanced features of v6 like multiple GUI styles and external windows. Will you switch to v6 if the old version is disabled or will it be a serious problem for you?
Personally, I like v5's appearance better, I also appreciate using the built-in joypad controls from time to time, v6's chat/playerlist likes to mess with me by everytime
other time I click out of an external window in it, it decides to minimize the entire client, but that could be due to me not updating the client.
Just to make it clear about the joypad support reason, I know there are programs that can make your joypads useable still, but why
should I have to do something like this when the old version clearly shows there is support for it?
I will usually jump on v6 anyways just so I can get used to it for when this would eventually happen, but those are my reasons I prefer v5 still for player use.
v5 or v6 doesn't bother me in choice, v6 does operate better for servers that are up to date for me, so if anything, I'd love to switch entirely to v6, but these minor things are what keep me from doing so, I usually get on Graal just so I can keep a check on those friends that still play I know of and If I can't do it seamlessly, why bother?