It seems that the mac client can't view the image within a GuiDrawingPanel if the width or height has been set to above 1024.
This doesn't seem to be the case on the windows client with it being able to view way above 1024.
If anybody wants to test this, try the below code and it should work on both OS's, then change the width or height of the GuiDrawingPanel to 1025 and see that it doesn't view the image on the mac client.
NPC Code:
function onWeaponFired(){
new GuiScrollCtrl("Tiles_ScrollCtrl") {
profile = GuiBlueScrollProfile;
x = GUIContainer.width - 195;
y = GUIContainer.height - 195;
width = 195;
height = 165;
hScrollBar = vScrollBar = "dynamic";
new GuiDrawingPanel("Tiles_DrawingPanel") {
x = y = 0;
width = 1024;
height = 512;
Can this be fixed or will I need to implement some code to handle this and stick to 1024, when a tileset should be 2048?