As most of you already know, I have been using both Photoshop and ImageReady for many years now and I thought I would write this guide to help people learn how to export graphics from your master Photoshop
(*.psd) file. This is something that people tend to ask frequently about; so this guide goes out to all of those users you who have pestered me about ImageReady.

One very common problem people tend to make with ImageReady, is that try to save their exported copy using the save feature, but that only makes a new Photoshop file which is not what you want to do and drives them crazy in the process.
I have no idea what format you want the exported graphic to be in, so I will show you how to export them as
PNG files. This method is almost the exact same when exporting
GIF files so I will talk about both at the same time and comment on areas where
GIF files have a different setting that needs to be addressed. After the
PNG/GIF export walkthrough, I will walk you through exporting
JPEG files. Exporting
JPEG files is much easier than the other two graphic formats; even though there is more steps listed in my
JPEG Export Walkthrough.
Sprinkled throughout this guide are various tips and notes that address specific issues that I am talking about at the time; a few of the more general tips and info can be found before the walkthroughs.
Do to post length restrictions on the Graal forums; I cannot post the full version of my ImageReady guide on this forums. Instead of chopping it up and removing helpful advice and tips, I am giving you the links to the two places that already have my ImageReady guide posted on them
This is the third location that has information about the ImageReady Export guide that I made; the first copy is located on the
Graphic Design section of the Babylon Forums as a reply to a user seeking ImageReady help and the other copy is location on the
Graphic Design section of the End of Ages Forums. The Babylon Forums require you to login to view their forums; so if you do not have a forum account there, you can view a copy of the file on the End of Ages forums without registering.
I hope you find that the walkthrough and guide is useful to use whenever you need to make exported graphics. I have remembered many different tips and notes as well as gaining more insight while I was busy making both of them.
Any questions, comments, or suggestions to this guide are wanted and appreciated; try keeping the responses constructive though, since those are the only responses that are actually useful.
If there is enough user interest, I will post a copy of my Paint Shop Pro 8 Export Walkthrough. The PSP 8 Walkthrough is similar to my Photoshop 7 one, and I have used the basic tips and notes from that one when making this Photoshop one. Another thing I might consider is making a similar guide for the other popular graphic program Fireworks MX. In addition, I could make both walkthroughs as a website with text, graphics, and photos so it would be easier to follow. I could also have it compressed and downloadable so users could use them as a reference offline.
Always a friend to stray pixels,
- KyleOdinGFX