This could have gone in either GFX, or scripting, but I figure, if you need this script, it is for GFX, so I put it here
My prefered use, is addtiledef2
So that is the command I will show you how to use.
In the commands, it tells you to use it like this:
NPC Code:
addtiledef2 image,levelstart,x,y;
So you will start your script with this:
NPC Code:
Ok, now, your image. To look right, it must fit the graal tiles. The graal tiles are 16pixels x 16pixels. Also, if it is .png, it must be 8bit to be able to be used. Put your image in Graal2001-->Levels-->Webgifs
Then go back to your script, and put the imagename in. My example imagename: untitled.png Now my example script looks like this:
NPC Code:
addtiledef2 untitled.png
Now for the level start. My example level start will be new1.nw Instead of putting new1.nw, I can just put new for my 'levelstart', and this way, any level that starts with new, will have this custom tileset. So put your levelname in. My example script now looks like this:
NPC Code:
addtiledef2 untitled.png,new
Now it is time for the x,y
What tile do you want to replace? Lets say you want to replace the yellow flower in the upper left. Left click, and highlight the tile and while still with the mouse held down look to the bottom of the editor screen. It says:
NPC Code:
All you need are the first two numbers. This means that the Tile is at 0x, and 1y.
This is a point where many people mess up.
Remember, that each tile is 16 pixels, so you can't just put in 0,1 for the x,y.
You should put 0*16,1*16; instead. The asterik (*) command in GScript means to multiply. So my final example script looks like this:
NPC Code:
addtiledef2 untitled.png,new,0*16,1*16;
And if you have done everything properly, it should work.