The following updates have been made today:
- The ban window now supports global bans, is resizable and the drop down boxes are fixed.
- The attributes window is resizable and the drop down boxes are fixed.
- There is a new button (replacing toalls) which opens the global chat.
- Toggling the Scripted RC open and closed should be more reliable now, as should toggling the Scripted Playerlist.
- Admin messages have been added into the playerlist context menus.
- The options window is now working better and is saving the options in a different location so that they take effect on all servers that you have RC on.
- It's now possible to change the RC chat and script editor font sizes in the Scripted RC options window.
- The show account window is now showing a timestamp or (none) instead of a scary long number (in v6).
- In the file browser, sorting by size and modified defaults to descending rather than ascending. Click it again to reverse the sorting.
- The syntax highlighting has been changed in the script editor to more closely resemble the normal RC (although fully isn't possible yet).
Later on I will update the Scripted RC again to use a new monospaced font in the script editor which should be much easier to read. I'll also be checking the output in the file browser to check that it's showing information properly there, and also make it resizable.
I also tweaked the Scripted Playerlist for v6 users, it should open and close properly now but let me know if there are still problems.