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Old 12-28-2012, 08:11 PM
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Originally Posted by sssssssssss View Post
It in fact does fit into the plan to get on classic tab, thus is why it is necessary...

I'm really not trying to argue about it. The plan me and Decus have for the server is a complete plan, so we are following through on all of those levels of development and not just one?

Again, don't feel like arguing about it. This is neither the thread nor do I really have time. If you want to continue discussion on the topic please use forum PM.
it's just my opinion. even when i was helping you guys out you disregarded it, so i'm not really thinking you would change anything even if we did argue about it.

you guys like gigantic levels and such, and that's fine. it's part of your style. if the project gets completed then it doesn't matter.
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Old 12-28-2012, 08:54 PM
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Originally Posted by Hiro View Post
it's just my opinion. even when i was helping you guys out you disregarded it, so i'm not really thinking you would change anything even if we did argue about it.

you guys like gigantic levels and such, and that's fine. it's part of your style. if the project gets completed then it doesn't matter.
See that's condescending. It's not that we just "disregarded" your idea, and it's not that we like "gigantic levels and such". I can't stand that UN is so big and wasted. We're doing it because, like I've been saying, there is a meaning for it to our playerworld. Again dude, I know your look on it, but you don't actually know what we're doing at this point because it's been years since you were helping us out now, I believe.

How do you think mounts, pets, ships, and such type things will work out on 6 levels total? We're doing it because it's needed for how we're going towards the server. You don't have to be so negative or anything, because at this point it's not us ignoring your criticism...we have an area for what you are saying that has been nearly completely done for quite some time now. The rest of what we are doing is the vision of our server, so it's not wasted time it's the reason we're doing this server (we're not making 10 levels to simply spar and chill, we had an idea from the start).
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Old 12-29-2012, 03:24 AM
Decus_Arillias Decus_Arillias is offline
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Originally Posted by Hiro View Post
it's just my opinion. even when i was helping you guys out you disregarded it, so i'm not really thinking you would change anything even if we did argue about it.

you guys like gigantic levels and such, and that's fine. it's part of your style. if the project gets completed then it doesn't matter.
This isn't your typical server where there's a bunch of houses everywhere that no one goes in. We don't have a spar rooms every 10 levels or player houses littering the gmap. We will have a specific continent for player houses, and guildhouses, aligned to the server fittings. We're planning for a high playercount so we're making sure we have room to fit the needs of the server, also we plan to release server expansions after release.

Originally Posted by Decus_Arillias View Post
the gmap is 36x36
1296 levels. lol

about 1/4 of the levels is the horizon
We wanted our mounts, boats, and player wings purpose for travel. Actual oceans separating continents also take quite a bit of levels. The continent i'm working on now is 7 x 13 which is quite large compared to other servers.

We will have approx. 4-5 continents.
Most of the continent is forest, highlands, ect with monsters roaming. Monsters will have drop rates for quests, or simply harvesting or ingredients for cooking and other features that we're not ready to disclose. So cutting that continent in half would crowd single player questing by limiting the monster count, limiting the town sizes, limit the separation of environment (meaning 2 level forest suddenly turning into a 4 level desert looks ridiculous) and limiting the adventuring on the server. I hope this shines some light on your concerns regarding the server size.

Last edited by Decus_Arillias; 12-29-2012 at 04:13 AM.. Reason: mean?
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Old 12-30-2012, 03:10 AM
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like i said, it's fine if it fits into the project and is actually utilized.

we've seen that a lot of the time UC servers spend quite a bit of time making giant overworlds, and then never see fruition. it makes no sense to create these oversize spaces, or to waste money on rental time in which to finish them, and then have players only stick to the same few levels. but really, if you can make it work, then work it.
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Old 01-03-2013, 04:28 AM
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Just a little update...

We are basically finished with the movement system. Maybe small things here and there but it's done. Our NPC Dialog is also complete. Also Decus has been updating some of our 4-5 year old levels and images before moving on to finishing the 2 continents we have so far. Things are moving well and smooth.

Next up for systems is the quest trackers. It's just so the player can pick up, view, follow, and complete quests. From there we will be adding in monsters/baddies. On top of this I will be finishing all the weapons and systems that were either incomplete or crappy from our last attempt.

I will also be redoing our ganis to match the new systems in place. Pretty much every single gani is going to be redone because they are crappy or out of date lol.

Again things are running quite smooth. Things are getting completed at a great level compared to our last run at this. I'm hoping to post a video of our core systems and a few extra by Jan 12th. It's not a promise but that is my goal since classes start the 14th and my time is limited again until May.

Stay tuned and hopefully you guys are getting excited because we are pretty close to doing an open preview with way more to offer than our previous previews.
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Old 01-03-2013, 05:24 AM
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I Think there good a decent job with this player world its creative and unique style looking at the screen shots too bad i cant log on to check it out but keep up the good work guys never give up on your goal but everybody going to agree and disagree about decisions are made with staff but that's part of it
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Old 01-03-2013, 05:38 AM
Decus_Arillias Decus_Arillias is offline
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Originally Posted by Rave_J View Post
I Think there good a decent job with this player world its creative and unique style looking at the screen shots too bad i cant log on to check it out but keep up the good work guys never give up on your goal but everybody going to agree and disagree about decisions are made with staff but that's part of it
Appreciate the response, but don't expect everything to look the same as the screenshots showed. We've redone almost everything. That being said, we're proud to announce that the server will be unlocked by the end of this week. We will allow players to log on but only allowed to look around on the main town.
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Old 01-03-2013, 06:13 PM
ff7chocoboknight ff7chocoboknight is offline
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Screenshots look like Maloria and Delteria's unholy spawn.
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Old 01-03-2013, 09:05 PM
smirt362 smirt362 is offline
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Originally Posted by ff7chocoboknight View Post
Screenshots look like Maloria and Delteria's unholy spawn.
I'm ok with this

Don Hertzfeldt <3
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Old 01-05-2013, 06:32 PM
sssssssssss sssssssssss is offline
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In a hurry to clean up a lot of stuff to open up by sometime Sunday!
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Old 01-05-2013, 07:42 PM
Rave_J Rave_J is offline
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Originally Posted by sssssssssss View Post
In a hurry to clean up a lot of stuff to open up by sometime Sunday!
can't wait to look around
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Old 01-06-2013, 10:41 PM
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Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnndd it's open. Come visit! Obviously we're not done. There may be tile errors, bugs, and other messed up things.

Please kindly let us know any bug or issue you find. Thanks.
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Old 01-07-2013, 04:03 AM
Astram Astram is offline
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Originally Posted by sssssssssss View Post
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnndd it's open. Come visit! Obviously we're not done. There may be tile errors, bugs, and other messed up things.

Please kindly let us know any bug or issue you find. Thanks.
Closed already D: I missed it
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Old 01-07-2013, 05:15 AM
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Open again. Fat fingers and being tired lol...
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Old 01-07-2013, 07:30 AM
smirt362 smirt362 is offline
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Entering the abyss causes some weird crap to happen. I'm lagging horribly and the tileset isn't loading

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