Originally Posted by Taharu
oh and the gloves do add wc =D. but they dont add fire damage
Originally Posted by Limelight Panda
Yeah, I just got brigids medium level spells +gloves today.. but I didn't get peace (*wonders why*) brigid is alright, you almost have no way to level up unless you have summon avatar, and her gloves aren't the best since there have been other alchemy items.. like havoks with wc/ac, and I just saw a HSoD with Con on it.. and then gloves of the bandit, but in the end, she is a good god, could be better like ogma or so.. but I doubt anything would be done, yet.
Originally Posted by xAndrewx
lol, thanks. Brigid needs a 'face lift'.
The Thorns that brigid gives you can actually kill bomy lords with now, thats a low level grace award too. 100 / 50
As for the gloves, they still are unbeatable, and they do infact give you fire damage if you don't have karate. If you do you need to use something like punching or jumping to actually use the fire damage. IE - > "/useskill jumping"
I find I do more damage then most of my friends around the same phisical level as I.
The Avatar is actaully too fast for its own good now, sure its nice, but insane to control.
You do infact resist all of biles wounding spells, infact any gods wounding spells have no effect on brigid. The 90 some physical resistance you get, actually has no effect at all on the entire server, until its fixed don't plan on the physical resistance to help you. It IS possible to start with brigid, if you want to kill skeletons with friends helping you, until you can get your wall of thorns. Then with wall of thorns you can move up to things like trex and eventually lords and on to your avatar.
Tools are actually useable with brigid, even the pickaxe. It doesnt make any difference, as the gloves and punch still kill just about anything that isnt a player. I suppose if I had a better phyisique level I might be able to hit players with my fists.
Keep in mind, Brigid's holy word and holy orb only effect bile players (supposed to) and skeletons. If cult monsters ever appeared they would also be wounded by a Brigid followers holy wounds. Also the bannishment does the same as holy word, however has a chance to either instantly kill the skeleton or completely miss them, would recommend holy word anyways.
The rest is all good bonuses to brigid, unless you want to use weapons of course. Brigid would make excellent party support, however party system is not good beyond level 20, until they fix that.