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Old 05-28-2011, 01:11 AM
Mark Sir Link Mark Sir Link is offline
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Originally Posted by ffcmike View Post
I believe these variables would be available to those players you have encountered within the same level, though it will remain as the old values once you're no longer within the same level. So if you were for instance looping through "players" instead of "allplayers" they would be there, albeit you'd already know they're in the same level anyway.
I thought to actually check about the X Y values and warped to Angle99 on that list and saw that they were correct, in a level I had not entered in since last connecting to the server.

It could be a coincidence but I doubt it.
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Old 05-28-2011, 01:14 AM
ffcmike ffcmike is offline
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Originally Posted by Mark Sir Link View Post
I thought to actually check about the X Y values and warped to Angle99 on that list and saw that they were correct, in a level I had not entered in since last connecting to the server.

It could be a coincidence but I doubt it.
If this was the case I think it would then be stored as their coordinates at the time they or yourself logged on.
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Old 05-28-2011, 01:52 AM
cbk1994 cbk1994 is offline
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Originally Posted by Mark Sir Link View Post
don't think you'd really even have to have NPCs running on the serverside to manage this, not sure how bad two showimgs would be on the clientside on an iphone, but it seems as though an insane amount of data is already available to the client. The only thing that seems to be missing for players not in your level is level name and health.
This is incorrect. The data needed in allplayers, such as x and y, is not updated. You can get the level name through levelname (the lack of a period is not a typo), but it requires v6.

In addition, allplayers is not even available on the iPhone client due to the bandwidth which would be required to send out updates to all online players.
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Old 05-28-2011, 02:15 AM
ffcmike ffcmike is offline
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Another possible solution regarding sparring, possibly less effective depending on how player bandwidth receiving compares to the displays of players but possibly simpler and smoother, would be to hide all players via showstats, and draw yourself and your opponent via showani.
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Old 05-28-2011, 05:32 AM
Mark Sir Link Mark Sir Link is offline
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[QUOTE=cbk1994;1651751]This is incorrect. The data needed in allplayers, such as x and y, is not updated.

Originally Posted by Mark Sir Link View Post
I thought to actually check about the X Y values and warped to Angle99 on that list and saw that they were correct, in a level I had not entered in since last connecting to the server.

It could be a coincidence but I doubt it.
I checked again and it still was giving correct x/y values for players who had moved around.

Neither myself or other players were on the GMAP
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Old 05-28-2011, 02:33 PM
cbk1994 cbk1994 is offline
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Originally Posted by Mark Sir Link View Post
I checked again and it still was giving correct x/y values for players who had moved around.

Neither myself or other players were on the GMAP
In different levels? I highly doubt it, but I can't test it now. Regardless, there is no allplayers on iPhone.
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Old 05-28-2011, 02:54 PM
xAndrewx xAndrewx is offline
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I plan on re-doing the iPhone spar system sometime this week. (well for Era, if it's good I'll show Xor and he may add to Classic)

I'll post if I come up with anything for the lag
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