Originally Posted by kia345
If they don't say 'don't do it', then it's not really a problem. That said, the average Graal user isn't using it for commercial purposes. Only if Stefan or someone started doing it would it become a problem.
LOL it is a problem, dont you read the internet news. The music biz is sueing everyone violating copyright. The average Graal user IS using it for commercial purposes as long as CJ charges money for access to Graal. If graal is making money while a stream is being used then its commercial. Doesnt matter who is doing it. This attitude of its ok as long as its not noticed should be unacceptable if CJ wants to be not liable. Either way unnoticed or not, its still violating copyright, which no respectable mmo does.
Edit: if you meant its ok to stream as long as they site has no copyright warning then your wrong again. Look at copyright laws.