Originally Posted by Stefan
There can be problems with showpoly or so with the GraalControl not being at (0,0), those will not be worked on in the near future because they are less important. You don't necessary need to provide editor functionality for trial players.
When posting bugs then please don't just post a picture, please also give a short description of the problem because it's not always easy to guess what you want to say and it's not easy to follow the discussion.
I have a problem with people wanting to let me know I type too much. ;o
Problem 1: Online Level Editor
Each picture shows the problem, and a short description..
I clicked on the one tile, dragged down one tile and it shows me clicking on the ones three tiles above...
It is very confusing and I'd much prefer using V5 to V6 because of it.
I am a classic account and will not be purchasing a subscription to use an online level editors for V6.
I am also creating levels on a Mac, so I won't be buying a PC to use an offline level editor either..
Possibly sometime in the future I could buy windows for my mac, or get a dev account for apple to be able to download xcode to be able to use the hardly worked on gonstruct I've heard about in the past. Other then that I guess I should stick with V5 for all my level creating needs. D:
I did post a short description for this one in and out of the picture...
Problem 2: Nasty Green Body Backgrounds [NGBB's] for short
V6 or V6/Macs seem to show certain bodies in green..
PC players see the body fine... or V5 players see the body fine.. or V6 PC players see the body fine..
I assumed pictures would explain it better, because without pictures no one seems to understand what I am talking about, like the F7 Playerlist and disconnection problem for V6 that I mentioned before... the discussion died until I posted pictures further explaining the problem.. I believe that was because without the pictures no one really understood the problem..
I thought because I was posting in V6 and Mac room, the picture was self explanatory, sorry...
Originally Posted by cbk1994
It's a problem because it's not documented and it didn't happen in v5. From what I understand about it, it's also a problem because he's drawing on the tile layer, therefore the coordinates should be relevant to tiles. The only way to fix it would be to add GraalControl.y / 16 to the y you're drawing at, which is nasty if GraalControl's y is not a multiple of 16.
EDIT: This may not be the bug I'm thinking of—it seems to be the same one Tig was having with his level editor, but I thought it was fixed.
Sounds about right, it doesn't happen on V5, and I couldn't really say what is wrong..
I didn't create the tile editor, and I've looked at it in hoping to reposition the tile arrays so that you could use pics1 to show in an organized manner..
Instead the OLE script confused the heck out of me, and I didn't understand a thing that was going on in it. ^.^
Because it is too confusing for me... I can only say it doesn't work on V6, and can't give input on what is wrong or how to fix it...