I'm wondering if it would be possible for GraalOnline to sell different grades of servers.
It would be nice to see, in addition to the payment plan we have now, a cheaper version of a Graal server offering less RAM (or whatever related resources). It could even have a player limit to ensure to ensure it does not drain bandwidth or perform other functions that generally make the upkeep expensive on regular servers.
I would love to pursue development on Graal and learn to script / make graphics in my own environment, but I'm simply not willing to pay the $65 price tag for a typical server. And why should I, when such a server that I would like to own would never have any playercount whatsoever, consume large amounts of storage space, or be anywhere near as CPU-heavy as many other servers out there?
I'm not going to pretend I know a lot about this stuff, but I figure it's worth a shot.