Classic subscription has been replaced by playerworld subscription. Each Gold world has own gold subscription (Zone, Kingdoms).
If you have lifetime then you have unlimited playerworld.
If you have VIP then you have unlimited playerworld, unlimited kingdom and unlimited zone on week-end.
If you had gold subscription then you have unlimited playerworld, unlimited kingdom and unlimited zone all the week.
Prices are close to before if you want Zone Gold, Kingdom Gold, PlayerWorlds it's costing 48USD / Year, only 4USD more than before. And you get 500 free Gelats (5USD value).
Gelats are used to buy items on zone, you can also bet Gelats to play against someone else on Graal Skills, we will also organize soon tournaments with Gelats.
Okay I get the subscriptions, but what exactly does
"Gold subscription have unlimited Kingdom and Zone
All the week.??