We have released a new version at
http://www.graalonline.com/downloads/Graal6.dmg :
- Fixed problems with http keep-alive, it is correctly reusing connections to web-servers now to speed up download of images (e.g. wiki news)
- Fixed some crashing bugs
- Fixed npc-clipping when z > 0
- Better handling of objects which join classes but don't have an own script
- Added functions for using JSON: obj.savejsontostring(0 single line/1 multiline), obj.savejson(filename,0 overwrite/1 append,0 single line/1 multiline), obj.loadjson(filename), obj.loadjsonfromstring(str); we will also update the npcservers in the next few days to add these
- Now using a nicer dmg file for packaging the Mac version, to make it simplier to install it
- It's now the only download option for Mac, since it's way better than the old (the old version is still available as Graal.dmg.bz in the downloads folder though)