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Old 04-17-2011, 01:10 AM
Devil_Lord2 Devil_Lord2 is offline
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Peoples are mean :'[

Making fun of my creation telling me it looks odd. -tear-
Has no one looked at the noob lately?

Anyway, the graphics seem to go to a younger audience, going to head away from Graal looks entirely so the head will not resemble the noob head.

I'd like to make it shorter too, and keep my movement system, but only have 4 pictures at the start until I feel like doing that many more images lol..

I'm going to try for a facebook server, because I doubt I will get many NATs for the game server. I'm going to try something different, again I will not create the hiring part until I have more graphics to show as an incentive.

I should be able to create the systems I need, or get more help trying to rather then how long it would take to try and make a game..

The idea is meant for facebook as well. It should work on PC Client, however it would be dumb because there isn't many people playing it. I'll let you know more as I progress.

In the meantime,
Stop making fun of my overlarge nub :'[
If you've seen my original 3D Noob,
he was even as chubby as the original.

By the way, when it is useable, it will have underwear...

Digital Media Artist - David K? </3 (UnLoved)

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Old 04-17-2011, 01:14 AM
Demisis_P2P Demisis_P2P is offline
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Ok, thanks for letting us know.
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Old 04-17-2011, 01:25 AM
fowlplay4 fowlplay4 is offline
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I'll leave the 3D Gaming to multi-million dollar gaming studios.
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Old 04-17-2011, 01:48 AM
Devil_Lord2 Devil_Lord2 is offline
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Originally Posted by Demisis_P2P View Post
Ok, thanks for letting us know.
You're welcome.

Originally Posted by fowlplay4 View Post
I'll leave the 3D Gaming to multi-million dollar gaming studios.
I much prefer 3D over Pixel Art.
Facebook has many 3D type games, and I highly doubt they are multi-million dollar gaming studios..

Anyway, anything I create that is not used, I will also have for later in the 3D files. I appreciate the note though. :]

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Old 04-17-2011, 01:52 AM
Fulg0reSama Fulg0reSama is offline
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Small Suggestion; where you have the eyes on the head, you may want to give some form of light-dark circles around the eyes to give some definition to the eyesockets and allow some opportunity to create a forehead for the character (small).

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Old 04-17-2011, 02:00 AM
Devil_Lord2 Devil_Lord2 is offline
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Originally Posted by Fulg0reSama View Post
Small Suggestion; where you have the eyes on the head, you may want to give some form of light-dark circles around the eyes to give some definition to the eyesockets and allow some opportunity to create a forehead for the character (small).
:O I totally forgot eyesockets, but that reminds me he doesn't have eyebrows either! I'll have to work on that while I am recreated the head!
I hate working on 3D heads though D:
My first time was my Ex-Gf's and that took about 1-2 weeks to make it look good.. I didn't learn much during that period of the class lol I mean it was our final assignment but >.> It's kind of like taking a photoshop class when you knew Paint Shop Pro, especially on a Mac. You end up hating Macs and thinking that is the problem, half the day you are frustrated trying to learn how to copy and paste. D:

Anyway, thank you very much, I probably would have forgot to do it again.. :[

Digital Media Artist - David K? </3 (UnLoved)

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Old 04-17-2011, 02:02 AM
Fulg0reSama Fulg0reSama is offline
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No prob bob.

Careful, thoughts and opinions here scare people.
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Old 04-17-2011, 02:07 AM
Devil_Lord2 Devil_Lord2 is offline
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Heading to PA for three days, need to clean up what I left over moving to MD.
I'll have a good amount of time to do graphics since I won't be able to use RC.

>.> Hope to have my server idea posted soon.

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Old 04-17-2011, 02:09 AM
Knux Knux is offline
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I like it but I don't like the ears. O.o.. He needs clothes too! Inappropriate post! :P

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Old 04-17-2011, 02:23 AM
WhiteDragon WhiteDragon is offline
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You should check out PKT's low-poly 3D work if you are trying something like this since it is very well done imo.

But I agree with fowlplay, I think 3D is not the right direction to go, since it's far harder than 2D, and Graal barely has resources for 2D. Not to mention there is far more competition for 3D games.
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Old 04-17-2011, 03:52 AM
Devil_Lord2 Devil_Lord2 is offline
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Originally Posted by WhiteDragon View Post
You should check out PKT's low-poly 3D work if you are trying something like this since it is very well done imo.

But I agree with fowlplay, I think 3D is not the right direction to go, since it's far harder than 2D, and Graal barely has resources for 2D. Not to mention there is far more competition for 3D games.
3D for Facebook/Graal or Graal itself would be neat, but a lot of people may not like it, I will still give it a go..

Btw, thanks lol, I don't know how exactly he did that, but I know all my stuff would have to be images.. I'd have to learn the radius thing and have the images block correctly since I can't make a complex movement system..

Other than that, thank you, that picture was pretty neat lol.. Some of the textures without using my own table skin as the material wouldn't be as well as that for Graal, but I can definitely work on my lighting.. >.> I had to redo it three times to get it as light as it is now.. D:

Originally Posted by Knux View Post
I like it but I don't like the ears. O.o.. He needs clothes too! Inappropriate post! :P
-pokes tongue-
:'[ but they are basically the same ears as the original.. not good.. lol
he will have underwear later! If and when it goes public.. so far again, I have not touched the server. ... well construction wise.. everything is testbed for now.. my big bed for many tests :O

Also, thank you!

Not that a lot of you care, and many of you have no problem at all going on to the thread to let me know.. one of the perks up PC Client players I think.

I am attempting to learn version 2.57 which is a completely different interface than what I am use to on version 2.49. It's going to take me a while to get a lot of graphics out :'[

However, the program I am using I took a college course on, and it is called Blender. You could also make videos or games on it if you are that good.

Just go to an open-source free 3D Modeling and Animation program.

-EDIT again-
I give up lmao, I will stick with 2.49 and learn 2.57 some other time :'[

Digital Media Artist - David K? </3 (UnLoved)

Last edited by Devil_Lord2; 04-17-2011 at 04:19 AM..
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Old 04-17-2011, 07:28 AM
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I've gotta say that it reminds me of the Dancing Baby

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Old 04-17-2011, 11:56 AM
Devil_Lord2 Devil_Lord2 is offline
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Originally Posted by TSAdmin View Post
I've gotta say that it reminds me of the Dancing Baby

xD ... almost the same height too lol

After looking at the other guys stuff... I actually wouldn't know how to do low poly, or such low details.
Again I'm also going to try and head away from the Graal look.
Instead of my 48 images per pose, I'm going to do body and head and just save bodies as I go.. I intended it to be body, head, two arms, two legs... but it takes long rendering 6 objects 8 times for each stance lol.. Now eventually I'd have enough bodies and heads, legs and arms would have to be added.. but that doesn't help with clothing :/ I was going to make a clothing template.. have players make their own since I am big on others learning how to LAT and GFX ... but making more poses... more clothing styles... PC Client players hating the idea of of the 3D Graphics.. the gaming server seemed like a wasted attempt.

I think my work would be much more appreciated in a different community / Graal Facebook. More adults that are bored, and children would want to play.

Digital Media Artist - David K? </3 (UnLoved)

Last edited by Devil_Lord2; 04-17-2011 at 12:26 PM..
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Old 04-17-2011, 06:34 PM
ff7chocoboknight ff7chocoboknight is offline
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Old 04-17-2011, 07:59 PM
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looks odd
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