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View Poll Results: Vote for the team you wish to see own the MMT!
Cell and Chaos 24 24.74%
Rice and Sky 38 39.18%
Trak and Alfonso 35 36.08%
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Old 10-27-2009, 03:36 AM
Noobie8205 Noobie8205 is offline
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Misty Mug Tavern Voting

It's now time for you to vote on which team you'd like to see take over ownership of the Misty Mug Tavern. Below I will post each teams essay on why they feel they should be the next owners of this fine establishment! Please read each and vote accordingly.

Cell and Chaos:
Cell, leader of CP for nearly a year, he has nurtured the growth and excellence of of his Kingdom.
He is also an active FAQ for 2 years, is willing and enthusiastic in every aspect of helping Graal Kingdoms.
We feel this makes him an excellent candidate to own and manage the Misty Mug Tavern.
Chaosorc is a new member to the Graal Kingdoms Community - but what he lacks in time he makes up for in excellence.
During his short time he has already helped plan and manage events, assist new players as a FAQ, and is currently among the most active GPs.
With previous experience managing the Misty Mug Tavern, we feel Chaosorc is the right choice.
The combined efforts of Cell and Chaosorc will make the Misty Mug Tavern better than it has ever been; With help from loyal workers Misty Mug Tavern will shine.

About our plans that we will try to make happen:
A More secure place to work in, only a small amount of food will be avalible for the staff. (the rest will be stored in somewhere else.)
We are going to try to make misty mugs active again. ( i have 1 master plan i wont go into the detail, but it has something to do with the building next to mmt.
also we will try to hire loyal staff that keeps our storage up and running.
Also, the menu is ages old. it needs to change.
We also will try to make it so the service will be better, example: like the way to give the food and get payment. (so it wont be that messy anymore).
Ofcourse there will be extra's for the people that will work in misty mugs.

i hope we can make this all able, and offcourse there are boundaries, also tig needs to agree on it, but if we stay strong, work hard, anything could happen.

Best Regards, Chaosorc, and Cell

Rice and Sky:
Dear Graalians,
Myself and Sky would like to take this time to tell you why I believe myself and sky should become owners of the Misty’s Mud Tavern. Myself and Sky I have been playing Gk for awhile now and we both know where and how to get the ingredients for the certain food that need to be made for your enjoyment We will keep the Misty Mug Tavern Fully Stocked for all your needs. We will be bettering the dining experience with a sharp focus on providing the ultimate guest experience for you and your friends.

Your Friends, Rice & Sky.

Trak and Alfonso:
I've been playing Graal for a pretty long time now... I've been an active player of the community. Me and my team plan to keep the Misty Mug Tavern up and running for as long as we can. We hope to serve the players of the community as often as we can. We will provide excellent food and services, with no disrespect towards you or your friends. We can make your experience at the Misty Mug Tavern an enjoyable one. We are planning on hiring some smart, Dependable workers who have no problems with working with a team. Trak and I will continue to serve the players of the Community with no problems whatsoever.

We hope we've helped you in making your decision for the Owner of MMT.

Alfonso & Trak

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Old 10-27-2009, 03:42 AM
seanthien seanthien is offline
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If you ask me, it's pretty obvious who should run MMT. For countless reasons that'd be too long to name.
Originally Posted by Darkdemon452 View Post
wow I'm by Sean and Tench...How unlucky can you get?
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Old 10-30-2009, 10:08 PM
Inverness Inverness is offline
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Originally Posted by seanthien View Post
If you ask me, it's pretty obvious who should run MMT. For countless reasons that'd be too long to name.
Feel free to summarize for the rest of us ignorant masses.

Edit: Calling anything on Graal a virtual business is like calling Era a driving simulator.
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Old 10-27-2009, 03:49 AM
Cubes Cubes is offline
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I vote rice, I also vote that pk be allowed in MMT! I think the trade should be the only safe spot.
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Old 10-27-2009, 03:59 AM
xEpica xEpica is offline
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go trak and alf
beat the smelly frenchies!!!!!

Vote pedro!!!
I mean alf!
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Old 10-27-2009, 03:59 AM
Felix_Xenophobe Felix_Xenophobe is offline
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Obvious choice for me. Rice and Sky, no doubt. Both have contributed to the GK community so much before and I believe that both of them would bring the MMT to its former glory!

I also think that PK in the tavern would be a great addition to GK. If a pirate is sitting across the room having a steak then I, a proud knight of Dustari wouldn't stand by watching that foreigner enjoying some steak that could've been my horse for all I know.

Rice and Sky for MMT owners!
Originally Posted by Tashkin
I have done 10x the amount any previous EA has done.
Originally Posted by Ravenblade1979 View Post
What you need is Zone Police again.
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Old 10-27-2009, 04:04 AM
TheJFX TheJFX is offline
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Alfonso and Trak are the most active people for the tavern, the main issue with it in the past has been the inactivity of its workers and owners. if you want pk, tell a staff. but if you want service, vote trak and alf.
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Old 10-27-2009, 04:08 AM
Cubes Cubes is offline
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@TheJFX - I live down the street from rice and I can't get him to come out of his house if I offered to buy him a hooker and a free trip to hawaii because he plays graal so much so obviously he is an awesome choice. This also means that inactivity isn't a problem with rice seeing as he has about as much of a life as a retard locked in a padded room.

@everyone else - I think that MMT should be like a fort that kingdoms/guilds can seize and take over instead of player owned! Along with every town except bomboria.
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Old 10-27-2009, 04:11 AM
xEpica xEpica is offline
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pssht lets be honest i think cell etc are wealthy/ and have enof power on gk already
Orcs a friend of mine but i think that alf and trak should own it due to the fact that they have played for a wile and alf especialy is active like hell
so yeah
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Old 10-27-2009, 04:18 AM
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Rice has also played quite a long time, although I do agree with you on how cell and chaosorc are wealthier than the other people but I really don't see how that matters seeing as the economy is already messed up beyond repair... also a little bit of spell check wouldn't hurt you to much.
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Old 10-27-2009, 04:36 AM
xEpica xEpica is offline
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Originally Posted by Cubes View Post
Rice has also played quite a long time, although I do agree with you on how cell and chaosorc are wealthier than the other people but I really don't see how that matters seeing as the economy is already messed up beyond repair... also a little bit of spell check wouldn't hurt you to much.
sorry cubes im just rushing a tad XD
my PC spelling is horrible
so use to msn speak etc.
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Old 10-27-2009, 04:38 AM
smokeraider smokeraider is offline
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Originally Posted by Cubes View Post
Rice has also played quite a long time, although I do agree with you on how cell and chaosorc are wealthier than the other people but I really don't see how that matters seeing as the economy is already messed up beyond repair... also a little bit of spell check wouldn't hurt you to much.
for me an application is about the content and not how its writen
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Old 10-27-2009, 04:18 AM
xnervNATx xnervNATx is offline
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Old 10-27-2009, 04:27 AM
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cell & chaos
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Old 10-27-2009, 04:32 AM
xEpica xEpica is offline
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blah blah vote alf and trak..
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