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Old 08-03-2014, 09:20 PM
Chorchizcool Chorchizcool is offline
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Lag limits in Gang Events

Needs to be drastically lowered.

the current limit is 380, but any pker worth his weight knows anything above 225 gives you a huge advantage.
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Old 08-03-2014, 09:41 PM
Supaman771 Supaman771 is offline
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It's especially ridiculous when its not one player but an entire team that has insane lag.

We just played a TDM against LC.. our laggiest player was Church; with 173ms.
Their least laggy member was Facebook; who was at 215.

When you add the whole teams together it's like they had an extra two players worth of lag. If we played 7v5 they still would've been collectively laggier.

This is unhealthy for the server and honestly, completely ridiculous in a competitive environment.

However, we cannot control this; and excluding players will just hurt the server itself.
We really need better servers to play on, but Graal's Administration has been neglecting it for years so.. let's play something else?
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Old 08-03-2014, 09:51 PM
Godzilla Godzilla is offline
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Sounds like you guys got an ass whoopin' and are looking for something to blame. Get better scrubs.
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Old 08-03-2014, 09:59 PM
Chorchizcool Chorchizcool is offline
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When it comes down to it, anyone who disagrees with the idea of lowering the lag limit to 250

is a lagger
understands that it could have negative effects on player activity.

Last edited by Chorchizcool; 08-03-2014 at 09:59 PM.. Reason: typo
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Old 08-03-2014, 10:32 PM
Godzilla Godzilla is offline
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What amazes me is that you feel as if someone lagging is an advantage, when in fact it's a disadvantage.

If you knew basic math, you would know that we're always a tile BEHIND, hence why when you rush at us and shoot us 10 times in the face, we're able to dodge it with ease.

Same rule applies to us when we rush at you.

The superior laggers have mastered how to play with it, they don't know anything else. That's why they are better than you, because point blankly, they are better than you.

They don't find an excuse when losing to justify why they lost, they take it how it is; they lost.

They have learnt how to not lose, maybe you should do the same.
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Old 08-03-2014, 10:42 PM
Chorchizcool Chorchizcool is offline
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Do you even know how lag works? Or the internet for that matter?

Do you know what a node is?

I bet you couldnt even tell me how many nodes your connection jumps starting from your desktop to Era Servers.

Lag creates an advantage for the lagger. If you think otherwise, I suggest picking up a book about internet connectivity.

Tell me how many nodes your connection jumps and the average packet loss, and I'll shut up.


Last edited by Chorchizcool; 08-03-2014 at 11:24 PM.. Reason: thanks m8
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Old 08-04-2014, 06:06 AM
Logababy Logababy is offline
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I hope you both realize for some it's actually impossible to have an MS under 250 (due to their location), unless of course you move countries which I don't think anyone would do for a game.
Lowering the lag limit will do nothing but lower the player count which is already low as it is.

What you also have to realize is once you work out how to play against a "lagger" the whole game will become so much easier for you and you will see the disadvantage laggers' have.

I am found frustrated each time someone complains about lag limits because some of us simply can't help it, I live in Australia and have the near best internet around, yet my MS has NEVER gone under 200 and very very rarely goes under 250.

Sure you can say "not my problem" kind of thing however it's not our problem either, learn how to play against lag like we did with you.
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Old 08-04-2014, 06:47 PM
Eclipse Eclipse is offline
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how much does it cost to throw a server in the US i got 20k to fund graal with
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Old 08-08-2014, 07:56 AM
bloodykiller bloodykiller is offline
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fix the ****ing servers, i used to never go over 250 ms and average 170-180ms

i have a perfect connection and my readings jump from 240 to 320. my house is the same and i constantly host 9v9 games when playing call of duty
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