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Old 04-14-2013, 02:38 PM
brokk brokk is offline
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Is there any real concrete reason why a server with all new "non-graal" images would be successful.

I'm talking about new body's, heads, GUI images, sounds, etc. I realize a new player entering the server would have to download all the new content, but that doesn't seem like a decent reason to lead to failure.

I want to continue on my server Age Online (You can find game play video in the Player World forums) But I don't want to be putting man hours in something that will not be able to go on the classic list.


On a side note: Who is an active global staff member I can contact?
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Old 04-14-2013, 03:47 PM
Crono Crono is offline
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the only server to come out after the pay-to-develop model which has actually stayed is zodiac, so based on that i'd say no.
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Old 04-14-2013, 05:46 PM
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Originally Posted by Crono View Post
the only server to come out after the pay-to-develop model which has actually stayed is zodiac, so based on that i'd say no.
Yeah but the only server also to not give up based on OBS mode and other trial restrictions is Zodiac also. Classic stood a real chance until they decided to stop developing for players because of hatred towards Eurocenter... Once everyone compelted all the quests, the only thing left to do was Idle, Events, and TCG.. and events and idle based dooms any server.. They did it to themselves.

It COMPLETELY depends on the willingness of the staff to push on with development tho and the quality of the content. There is NOTHING set in stone that says any server will fail. Sorry I guess I read your sentence and thought ,hmm, it should read "probably not" rather then "no".
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Old 04-14-2013, 05:47 PM
fowlplay4 fowlplay4 is offline
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Originally Posted by Crono View Post
the only server to come out after the pay-to-develop model which has actually stayed is zodiac, so based on that i'd say no.
which is pretty hilarious considering Yen pretty much pulled the gameplay together in less than a month and was able to make use of the little amount of assets we had at the time.

leaving me under the impression that the best way to success is to develop the core gameplay of a server in the less than a month and have it be fun.

using new body sprites and all that has never turned out well either unless you have development brute force behind you. it's much better to develop a server using the head/bodies everyone is already familiar with than re-inventing the wheel on something that people probably won't like.
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Old 04-14-2013, 06:25 PM
brokk brokk is offline
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using new body sprites and all that has never turned out well either unless you have development brute force behind you. it's much better to develop a server using the head/bodies everyone is already familiar with than re-inventing the wheel on something that people probably won't like.
When you say much better, do you mean much easier?

And when you mean development brute force, can you go into more detail?

Do you mean a wide range of customization, or pleasing the art appeal of the player, or what?
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Old 04-14-2013, 06:52 PM
DustyPorViva DustyPorViva is offline
Will work for food. Maybe
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Originally Posted by brokk View Post
And when you mean development brute force, can you go into more detail?
He means people who can actually pull together a development team that can actually accomplish all these extravagant design goals and such people conjure up for servers. They want totally new(and amazing) graphics, they want custom sprites and animation, they want a huge overworld... none of that is a very realistic goal for a Graal server. Unless you actually have the development force already for all of that, you've dug your grave before you even started.
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Old 04-14-2013, 07:17 PM
brokk brokk is offline
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Originally Posted by DustyPorViva View Post
He means people who can actually pull together a development team that can actually accomplish all these extravagant design goals and such people conjure up for servers. They want totally new(and amazing) graphics, they want custom sprites and animation, they want a huge overworld... none of that is a very realistic goal for a Graal server. Unless you actually have the development force already for all of that, you've dug your grave before you even started.

Well on the graphic subject, can the graal client pretty much take any size/detailed sprite/image I throw at it?
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Old 04-14-2013, 07:38 PM
fowlplay4 fowlplay4 is offline
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Originally Posted by brokk View Post
When you say much better, do you mean much easier?

And when you mean development brute force, can you go into more detail?

Do you mean a wide range of customization, or pleasing the art appeal of the player, or what?
Yes because people who've been playing Graal will be able to easily upload their 'look' that they developed on different servers.

Basically what Dusty said but the fact is, it's possible to get a set of new body sprites and what not made and animated but the people involved or going to be burned out afterwards which is going really impair your development if you can't get people to substitute in. Back to my other point about core gameplay, if your core gameplay sucks your custom sprites aren't going to make up for it.
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Old 04-14-2013, 08:51 PM
brokk brokk is offline
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But, WHAT IF someone had amazing sprites/images along with amazing game play. Could the graal client handle top notch graphics?
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Old 04-14-2013, 09:19 PM
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Originally Posted by brokk View Post
But, WHAT IF someone had amazing sprites/images along with amazing game play. Could the graal client handle top notch graphics?
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Old 04-14-2013, 09:34 PM
xXziroXx xXziroXx is offline
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Originally Posted by brokk View Post
Well on the graphic subject, can the graal client pretty much take any size/detailed sprite/image I throw at it?
As long as you don't go above 2048x2048 images, yes.

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Old 04-14-2013, 09:39 PM
brokk brokk is offline
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Originally Posted by fowlplay4 View Post
Good to hear, but I hope you know I am not talking about pixel art.

I just found this image off of google as an example. But the client would handle this, perhaps even images bigger/moreDetailed than this completely fine no matter how many images are being displayed at once?

I'm sorry to ask so many questions, I'm just trying to get a grasp on what it can handle.
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Old 04-14-2013, 10:26 PM
Elk Elk is offline
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having 21489019289048124 24-bit pngs could be a bit resource-intense... as long as you keep it comprimated, like maplestory, of some sorts, then yes
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Old 04-14-2013, 10:37 PM
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Originally Posted by Elk View Post
having 21489019289048124 24-bit pngs could be a bit resource-intense... as long as you keep it comprimated, like maplestory, of some sorts, then yes
Maplestory has great graphics don't get me wrong, but I don't find the player or weapon sprites "clean" as in you can see the little pixel edges on them.
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Old 04-15-2013, 08:06 AM
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thats what i meant, those pixel edges are made on purpose, because the files are 8bit pngs... and not 24 bit, that saves loaaaads of resources

if you are into antialiased stuff, you better make something with flash
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