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Old 03-26-2011, 04:03 AM
Unkownsoldier Unkownsoldier is offline
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This is the hello thread

Look beyond the monitor.
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Old 03-26-2011, 04:06 AM
kia345 kia345 is offline
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Old 03-26-2011, 04:17 AM
Vinka Vinka is offline
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Welcome to Graal
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Old 03-26-2011, 04:19 AM
Googi Googi is offline
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Hello I am the Canadian Ambassador to Graal.
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Old 03-26-2011, 05:19 AM
Switch Switch is offline
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I give it 3, 4, maybe 5...

Originally Posted by Vinka View Post
Welcome to Graal
Why do I feel so old to these forums.
Oh squiggly line in my eye fluid. I see you lurking there on the peripheral of my vision.
But when I try to look at you, you scurry away.
Are you shy, squiggly line?
Why only when I ignore you, do you return to the center of my eye?
Oh, squiggly line, it's alright, you are forgiven.
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Old 03-26-2011, 05:25 AM
fowlplay4 fowlplay4 is offline
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque eros elit, posuere eu rutrum non, tincidunt id neque. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer sodales tortor vel odio iaculis sit amet aliquet orci tincidunt. Vivamus sagittis augue quis nibh luctus a vehicula ante ornare. Integer placerat condimentum ultrices. Vestibulum eleifend nisl in mi vestibulum sit amet cursus lacus sodales. Suspendisse consectetur risus quis est sollicitudin euismod. Quisque viverra convallis lectus, sed fermentum odio pellentesque quis. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nullam lobortis mattis diam, eget dictum leo dapibus et.

Aenean et enim massa. Integer dictum, elit sit amet blandit congue, tellus ipsum fringilla urna, eu sagittis eros metus et tortor. Nullam pharetra odio sed nisi ultrices luctus. Aenean ac enim et erat aliquet iaculis. Suspendisse vehicula, sapien id dapibus porta, magna tellus pretium felis, placerat scelerisque velit urna ut sapien. Sed commodo urna at dolor pharetra consequat. Nullam erat turpis, dignissim ac vestibulum eget, lobortis nec dolor. Morbi a orci urna, tristique consectetur dolor. Vivamus sem velit, sodales vel blandit a, pretium vel ante. Aliquam a est purus, eu gravida augue. Ut ultrices elit in est condimentum fermentum.

Donec rutrum libero non dui mollis fermentum molestie odio pulvinar. Curabitur nec purus augue. Proin diam quam, iaculis in iaculis et, rhoncus tempus est. Suspendisse rutrum sapien vitae sem dictum quis facilisis leo pretium. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Aliquam et nibh sapien, eu tristique justo. Integer ac odio sed ligula iaculis pharetra. Integer fringilla volutpat velit commodo egestas. Maecenas a sapien vehicula nisi hendrerit feugiat in ut ante. Donec nec ante dui.
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Old 03-26-2011, 08:25 AM
PowerProNL PowerProNL is offline
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Originally Posted by fowlplay4 View Post
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque eros elit, posuere eu rutrum non, tincidunt id neque. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer sodales tortor vel odio iaculis sit amet aliquet orci tincidunt. Vivamus sagittis augue quis nibh luctus a vehicula ante ornare. Integer placerat condimentum ultrices. Vestibulum eleifend nisl in mi vestibulum sit amet cursus lacus sodales. Suspendisse consectetur risus quis est sollicitudin euismod. Quisque viverra convallis lectus, sed fermentum odio pellentesque quis. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nullam lobortis mattis diam, eget dictum leo dapibus et.

Aenean et enim massa. Integer dictum, elit sit amet blandit congue, tellus ipsum fringilla urna, eu sagittis eros metus et tortor. Nullam pharetra odio sed nisi ultrices luctus. Aenean ac enim et erat aliquet iaculis. Suspendisse vehicula, sapien id dapibus porta, magna tellus pretium felis, placerat scelerisque velit urna ut sapien. Sed commodo urna at dolor pharetra consequat. Nullam erat turpis, dignissim ac vestibulum eget, lobortis nec dolor. Morbi a orci urna, tristique consectetur dolor. Vivamus sem velit, sodales vel blandit a, pretium vel ante. Aliquam a est purus, eu gravida augue. Ut ultrices elit in est condimentum fermentum.

Donec rutrum libero non dui mollis fermentum molestie odio pulvinar. Curabitur nec purus augue. Proin diam quam, iaculis in iaculis et, rhoncus tempus est. Suspendisse rutrum sapien vitae sem dictum quis facilisis leo pretium. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Aliquam et nibh sapien, eu tristique justo. Integer ac odio sed ligula iaculis pharetra. Integer fringilla volutpat velit commodo egestas. Maecenas a sapien vehicula nisi hendrerit feugiat in ut ante. Donec nec ante dui.
WHAT?, had to translate it through :O

for the one who is lazy:

I did it with, but the words may be messy

Hello world! Is here to cancel meals. Eros pellentesque elit, EU to lay Rutrum not, do so either by tincidunt. Hello world! Is here to cancel meals. We Fellowship tortor darts or hatred is love orcs aliquet tincidunt. Sample arrows live anyone nibh a vehicle before the mourning adorn. Integer to please Diet and avenging. Thinking of the nil to the Product, my porch is amet a race members of lakes. To suspend use it? Consectetur worry in the euismod. This viverra to grow strong a bed, but beating a man hated by leaven. Was there any other Community. Mattis Back to the goddess, the need of a lion with food and has been said.

For Aeneas, and the mass. Fresh troops the saying, the elit congue blandishments is love, O Earth, Link very clean, modern, arrows eros fear and the torturer. No hatred, but unless a quiver avenging mourning. For Aeneas, and darts and he was aliquet. To suspend transportation, the Welcome to wise this is the gate, magna region the price of the cats, the crime he wishes to please, as a wise urn. But suitable: the urn but pain quiver and effect. It was nothing, for filthy, the digniss and need of the porch, of the lobort, No sorrow. Disease affects the orcs urn, by the sad consectetur pain. Shem wishes to live, the members of or from the blandishments, the price of or in front of. , Featuring a is the pure, clean, modern, Type: LCD Monitor. Demo is in the elit Diet and yeast.

The article list is not a free DUI instigates review CUSHIONED COUCH hatred of annoyance. Sample will be cured, nor pure. Click than, darts and darts at the, the rhoncus it is time. Show to suspend prefix meaning half of life has been said the price of a lion, a man easy. Silently sociosqu Class they may adapt to the shores of our marriage to turn very, very beginner meet your needs. Add to Favorites This sapien, the EU just sad. Integrally and hatred, but a quiver ligula darts. We fringilla Community wishes to poverty advantage. Maecenas unless the sapienus the carriages from the feugiat hendrerit in the as before. Until, neither before the DUI.
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McPowerProNL, I'm loving it
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Old 03-26-2011, 08:28 AM
nullify nullify is offline
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Old 03-26-2011, 08:56 AM
fowlplay4 fowlplay4 is offline
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Originally Posted by nullify View Post
Thank you.
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Old 03-26-2011, 09:40 AM
kia345 kia345 is offline
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Originally Posted by PowerProNL View Post
I think you need to take a vacation.
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Old 03-26-2011, 02:21 PM
Crono Crono is offline
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hello again to all my friends

together we can play some rock and roll
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Old 03-26-2011, 03:31 PM
Elizabeth Elizabeth is offline
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Old 03-26-2011, 07:57 PM
Deas_Voice Deas_Voice is offline
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lol fail @ Power"Pro"NL

@Switch: i agree, that makes you feel so old x)

sup? what brings you here =o?
WTF is real life, and where do I Download it?
There is no Real Life, just AFK!
since 2003~
I Support~
ღAeonღ | ღTestbedღ | ღDelteriaღ

if you are going to rep me, don't be an idiot, leave your name!
I got nothing but love for you
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Old 03-26-2011, 08:36 PM
Fulg0reSama Fulg0reSama is offline
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Hey guys.

Careful, thoughts and opinions here scare people.
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Old 03-27-2011, 02:30 AM
Geno Geno is offline
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i feel the time has come to bid thee farewell
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